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Shrek Jr

Author: Ken Allan


18th January 2025
South Tyneside Academy of Musical Performance
Brinkburn CIO
Type of Production
Ruby Bourdiec
Musical Director
Emily Wright
Ruby Bourdiec
Written By
Jeanine Tesori and David Lindsay-Abaire

This was my first visit to Brinkburn Academy CIO to see S.T.A.M.P. perform their latest junior show, covering for my NODA colleague Gordon Richardson; and what a pleasant surprise it was, to see so much talent and enthusiasm on one stage.

S.T.A.M.P. has three groups of youngsters aged from 4years upwards, served by a group of four directors who put on a musical show every year, in the auditorium of the CIO who host them in what was previously quite a large school complex.

Shrek is a complicated story with many different fairy-tale characters, which, for a group of children is a daunting prospect. However, these multi-talented kids pulled off a remarkable piece of theatre without the usual prosthetics and special effects associated with it. Congratulations to all involved.

The very effective staging and scenery was minimalistic; consisting of several reversable and moveable flats, placed around the stage by a team of stage crew who were extremely well-versed in their work. The lighting was also excellent and complimented the production tremendously. Costumes were well thoguht out and very apt.

The principal line-up was very proficient in their acting, singing and movement, as was the colourful, attentive chorus who all took a full part in the show.

I have to mention Peyton Nelson as Shrek, who created a strong, loveable, endearing character with a super Scottish accent. Very ably assisted by Rebecca Gosling as a very funny and well characterised Donkey. They were both fabulous in their parts and a superb duo on stage. Robin Dunlop was a lovely Fiona; she sang and acted her part beautifully with emotion and just the right amount of feistiness. Well done!. Lord Farquaard; nicely played with comedic accuracy by Tobey Thomas was also superb. Ella Winter as Dragon and Young Fiona shone with her fine singing voice and sassy characterisation.

Other supporting principals of note were Amelia Eglintine as Pinnochio, Maizie McFarlane playing Gingy, Holly Campbell as the Big Bad Wolf and Papa Ogre, Ava Finn playing the Wicked Witch and Mama Ogre and Olivia Connelly as Teen Fiona.

All in all this was a very strong cast and crew which both Ruby and her Team can be extremely proud of. The standing ovation at the final curtain was proof of the enjoyment the whole audience got and the tears from the cast leaving this group to go into the next age group above them was also witness to the love and friendships created within. I wish them all the luck in the world. One thing is sure; the future of musical theatre in South Tyneside is safe in this group’s hands.

Thanks for the invitation and the welcome. My companion Pauleen and I enjoyed our visit tremendously. Congratulations to the whole S.T.A.M.P. Team.

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