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Showtime 2018

Author: Cheryl Mumford


29th May 2018
Margate Operatic Society
Margate Winter Gardens
Type of Production
Donna Clements
Musical Director
Janice Regan
Donna Clements
Assistant Choreographer
Amy Simpson

What a brilliant evening’s entertainment! It was high energy from the opening to the final bows and packed to the hilt with plenty to entertain everyone. The set was extremely good and functional and wasn’t over complicated which helped with the pace of the production.  Sound worked well with the lighting and the set-up of the auditorium as a dinner theatre, which really set the ambience for the evening. Singing under the tutelage of Janice Regan as vocal coach was superb and the costumes were both colourful and resplendent. I don’t know quite how Margate Operatic manages it but the quantity and quality of the costumes is quite remarkable. Every new segment in the show had a new set of costumes each as beautiful as the previous.

Director Donna Clements really made the most of the talents in the society in this extravaganza of singing and dancing. So many people had their opportunity to shine and everyone worked brilliantly as an ensemble. The choice of musical numbers throughout was varied ensuring there was something for all tastes. Particular favourites of mine were Chicago, The Kingdom of Magic and a simply stunning Les Miserables section. Chorography created by Donna Clements and Amy Simpson was intricate and full on. The energy and effort the cast portrayed to execute this was simply amazing.

There were many strong performances but soloists of note were Neil Paterson, Stuart Clements, Ashley Smith, Harcus Copper, Sam Castle and Mollie Knight. The involvement of the young members of Star Stage School was a nice touch and the excellent support of the entire ensemble throughout has to be applauded.

Many congratulations on a well assembled and polished evening’s entertainment. It certainly was a very entertaining and happy evening enjoyed by an appreciative audience. I look forward to your next production.

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