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Author: Andrew Carpenter


3rd November 2012
Frome Musical Theatre Company
Frome Memorial Theatre
Type of Production
Musical Director
Kerry Bishop

A splendidly performed concert with ‘something for everybody’ contained therein. The opening numbers from The Sound of Music, strategically placed to advertise the forthcoming production in May 2013, set the standard for the evening and the variety and quality was maintained throughout. It would be wrong to single out individual numbers as it was very much a ‘team effort’ but I’m sure each member of the audience will have their own favourites. What a pleasure it was to hear so many talented singers performing so many well-known and well-loved songs. I congratulate whoever it was responsible for choosing such a splendid section of numbers for us to enjoy. A great balance of rousing choruses and more gentle individual ballads – well done. For my part it was particularly pleasing to see the wide age range of Yen Yan singing ‘Colours of the Wind’ on the one hand to Shirley singing ‘The Colours of My World’ at the other end on the same stage. This is what amateur theatre is all about, bringing together all ages of a community with one common objective. It was difficult to believe there were only two people in the pit because Kerry Bishop made his piano sound like‘ an orchestra’ and I especially pay tribute to him and Tony Stockley for their contributions. If I have one small criticism it would be the sound as I thought on occasions the stage mics were turned up too loud sometimes causing distortion and feedback (probably trying to compensate for the shortage of male singers – insider information!). Also if stage mics are going to be used again it would be a good idea to ask Steph Hoar to give a master class in how to use them. However this small point did not distract from a first class evening and I offer my congratulations to all involved.

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