School of Rock

Date 15th February 2024
Society Regency Productions
Venue Granville Theatre, Ramsgate
Director Parish Tarjomani
Choreographer Courtney Jones
Written By Lloyd Webber


Author: Gordon Harris

Traveling to my first visit to Regency Productions, I was thinking to myself, can I enjoy this? I saw Lloyd Webber’s production on Broadway way back when it was in previews and I must say I didn’t like it!! But I’m happy to concede and say I couldn’t have been more wrong. Regency Productions at the Granville Theatre,Ramsgate on Thursday night had the audience enraptured and they were treated to a spectacular display of talent in Lloyd-Webber’s hit musical, from the minute the performance began.

Drayson Goldfinch as Dewey Finn (and Mr Schneebly ) was incredible, and his stamina unrivalled as he acted up to the wannabe-rockstar freeloader perfectly, and what an actor - with the dialogue at times being very funny. He owned that stage. Drayson you rocked!! Kayleigh Stevens-Keatley as Rosalie Mullins was triumphant, her vocals genuinely chilling in her solo hit “Where Did the Rock Go?” Her characterisation as the Horace Green principal was suitably strict, in the second half of the show we saw her let her hair down literally. Perfect performance Kayleigh.

Not only were the children (or should I say young adults) hilarious, they sang, danced, made music and acted superbly throughout, getting a huge round of applause and it was well deserved for this talented group of young people. You should all be very proud of yourselves. I wish I could mention you all, but I think there were a few I didn’t see, going by the very informative programme. Brendan Roberts as Ned and Molly Mallon as Patty played very believable partners, Brendan as the downtrodden boyfriend and Molly as the angry girlfriend. Both shone in these roles. All the supporting actors (so many of you) believe me, you all put in tremendous performances and with you to support, you made this show what it is. Magnificent!! Technical Director (Charlie George) and sound (Matt Pearson): guys this was so professional and expertly operated. Zahra Tarjomani (Producer), Parisa Tarjomani (Director) and Courtney Jones (Choreographer): you three ladies gave your audiences a humdinger of a show, perfect in all elements of Musical Theatre. Congratulations to you all. Regency Productions you blew the roof of the Granville this week. Thank you for inviting me, my opinions of Lloyd Webber’s ‘School of Rock’, have changed and your production was uppermost in my mind as I drove home.

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