- Date
- 29th August 2012
- Society
- Venue
- NOMADS Theatre, East Horsley
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Richie Halsey-Watson / Stephen Whittock
- Musical Director
- Steven Geraghty
The single complicated set, on different levels, was well designed with the use of scaffolding, stairs with moveable lower steps, ladders, and two small balcony areas left and right above the level of the auditorium, made full use of the space. Musically it is a very challenging show for all the cast, with harmonies, pitch and timing, but NOMADS carried it all off with great precision from both soloists and ensembles. The band under the direction of Steven Geraghty provided lively and enthusiastic music which unfortunately did at times mask the fine voices. From the opening with Daniel Burns (Mark) as the narrator and filmmaker and Stuart Norris (Roger) who was powerful but tender; the passion, frustrations, tears and love were portrayed so well that one could empathise with each of the characters right to the finale. Sebastian Roughley-Ponsford (Angel) gave a very convincing female in walk and posture, with his act of dying most believable, and with Francis Pindar (Collins) showing great tenderness. Jade Tolfree (Maureen) gave a super rendering of “Over the Moon” and the duet with Georgina Clifton (Joanne) her lesbian lover, gave us some fine singing. Angie Schulz (Mimi) gave us a character that gained our sympathy. Chris Poplett (Benny) provided the guy with a “mean streak” having become the landlord of the building and demanding the Rent, which provides the title of the musical. The principles were well supported by the Company, with good characterisations.
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