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Puss in Boots

Author: Anne Key-Huckerby


9th December 2012
Retford Musical Theatre Company
Retford Little Theatre
Type of Production
Kevin Woolnough
Musical Director
Paul O'Leary
Dawn Denman Jo Staples and Adam Denman

The script by Peter Long and Keith Rawsley for Puss in Boots was great fun.Originally written over 300 years ago by Charles Perrault, it is a delightful tale of trickery and deceit by a cat to obtain power and wealth for his master, but the cat has to wear boots in order for the magic to work. Zoe Shakespear Bright could scarcely be faulted as Puss. Sarah Mitchell, as his master, John Miller, was nicely matched with Megan Hewitt as Princess Jasmine. Kristian Denman and Daniel Mitchell provided a lot of humour as Crusty and Dusty Miller. Shelley Harvey [Rosie Rags] spoke most of the narrative, Kevin Pattenden was the lovable Dame and Jane Taylor revelled in her evil role as Crowella. The rest of the named characters and chorus were pleasing and I congratulate the five-piece band on their excellent accompaniment. There were a number of dance routines which showed versatility and included tap and ballet in the repertoire. The set was suitable and the stage crew was efficient. The lighting plot was good and the costumes were a credit to those responsible for them. This was a very enjoyable production.

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