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Pirates of Penzance

Author: E. Gloria Smith


15th November 2012
WAOS Musical Theatre
Rhoda Mc Gaw Thetare
Type of Production
Nick Murza
Musical Director
Lindsay Macauley

As copyright is not now an issue it is possible to stage these wonderful comic operettas in whatever way the director chooses, and this version was certainly different. I’m sure the purists were not over the moon, but I thoroughly enjoyed this mightily hammed up production, and for me it took G and S out of its stereotypical mould. The fact that Ruth was played by a man allowed the other characters to be played more extrovertly which brought out the comedy even more than usual. David Methven played Ruth as a young and glamorous pantomime Dame and made the most memorable Ruth I’ve seen. The production had a smallish cast for a G and S but the voices were first class, diction was perfect and ‘Hail Poetry’ magnificent. Choreography was imaginative, if a little too busy in parts, and although the costumes didn’t appear to be from any particular era it didn’t seem to matter.

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