Peter Pan The Pantommine
- Date
- 12th January 2023
- Society
- Dryburn Theatrical Workshop
- Venue
- Park View School
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Michelle Coulson
- Musical Director
- Brian Pennick
- Choreographer
- Rebecca Scott
- Written By
- Tom Whalley
It’s always the best of welcomes at Dryburn Theatrical workshop where I was please to cover for fellow rep Michelle Coulson who had directed their 2023 pantomime “Peter Pan”. As always, the boat was well and truly pushed out by Dryburn. This pantomime really was on another level and utterly superb.
The welcome at Dryburn is always second to none, with cups of coffee and haribo never far away – a route right to my heart!
First mention is to the staging and technical elements. Lighting and sound by Martin Warden and Craig Holt of Hi-Lights Theatre Service was excellent, especially with the creation of the “shadow” for Peter Pan to rescue from the Darlings window. The cloths from Border studios were great, the props from Lawrence Clark and costuming by Jacqueline Dubre were all extremely good. The animation flying sequence however was something else, supplied the digital backdrops and honestly they were worthy of a professional stage. There was also clever use of UV lighting for the under the sea sequence.
The script was one written by Tom Whalley and like all of his work, was very clever with relevant jokes and puns, clever use of the stage and easily adaptable to the amateur stagte.
Casting was very well put together with Claire Archer bringing us Peter Pan the boy who never grows up. Tinkerbell was played by Alison Beveridge had excellent timing and gave the audiences just the right level of mischief and cantankerous behaviour. The Darling children were played by Emma Coulson as Wendy, Katherine Donald as John and Nicholas Cunliffe as Michael. Nicholas absolutely stole the show I have to say, what a talented adorable little boy to see on stage! I loved his fight sequence with Smee, absolutely hilarious. I loved the portrayal of Nana the dog by Emma Bell too, the bum wiggles were brilliant!
Smee played by Joe Coulson just seems to get better every year. His timing is impeccable and he plays the funny character role absolutely to a T. I can’t think of anyone else regionally who does it better. Together with Lee Passmore playing the traditional dame character, Lady Starkey, they were a pair indeed and had the audience in fits of giggles. The utensils number was especially hilarious as well as the “Witch Doctor” with Captain Hook played by Phil Stabler incredibly well.
The ensemble numbers were bright and engaging and well done to Rebecca Scott for the choreography. All well-rehearsed, appropriate for the cast ability and very well delivered. The pirates ensemble were especially funny, really enjoyed them on stage and also the “Revolting children” number which had the audience tapping away and “Wigwhambam” which was excellent. The Lost Boys were excellent, full of character and fun on stage played by Erin Boyle, Chris Coates, Frances Wood, Phil Martin, Andy Smith, Laura Masters and Jessica Kerridge as Tiger Lily.
A special mention has to go to that crocodile – my word. It’s the character I’ve wondered how they’d portray given then difficulties on stage and my word the audience were howling with laughter at Max Weatherhead in the giant crocodile costume flying around the stage giving poor Captain Hook played by Phil Stabler a hard time. Loved it!
The Sea Shanty was also an absolute riot with foam, water, buns and goodness knows what else flying around the stage in a great combination of humour and utter chaos.
All in all a really engaging incredible evening’s entertainment. I‘m usually not the biggest fan of pantomimes but I loved this one….oh yes I did!
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