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Peter Pan

Author: Foster Johnson


5th October 2017
Gateshead Musical Theatre Company
Dryden Centre, Gateshead
Type of Production
Laura Dollimore
Musical Director
Ross Norman
Andrew Stewart

What a wonderful opening nights presentation was given by the Junior Section of the Society with their rendition of the classical tale of Peter Pan.

Before a packed audience of proud parents, grandparents, siblings and other theatre buffs they delivered a super show that enthralled. A lot of this is down to the Society itself and its Officers and Committee who along with an excellent production team embrace the challenge of the development of young theatrical talent, and are fully committed to it. Many congratulations to you and long may it continue.

As for the Show itself there were of course opening night nerves, the odd prompt, but that was clearly understandable with a cast of thirty two, some as young as eight, and many making their first ever stage appearance.

Notwithstanding  this it was a happy fun packed  production with fine scenery, costumes, lighting  and props which blended well  together  to give an atmosphere that you were part and parcel of the imaginary world of Neverland. The audience were encouraged to join the fun at every opportunity and were on their feet to participate in the number “I believe in Fairies” as Peter attempts to revive the dying Tinkerbell.

With a cast of many and some new to the stage the Directorial Team of Laura Dollimore, Ross Norman and Andrew Stewart had obviously worked extremely hard to bring it all together but my how it reaped its deserved rewards.

Each member of the cast had something to do and no one missed out.

All of the named Principals gave a well rounded and sound interpretation of their characters but I would like to give a special mention to Ellen Ledgerwood (Peter), Rebecca Mayer (Mrs Darling) Darren Lynton (Captain Hook) Faye Slater (Wendy) and Harry Sanderson (Smee) for their pivotal roles in the Show

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