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Outside Edge

Author: Hazel Hole


25th April 2024
Dovercourt Theatre Group
The Dovercourt Studio, Dovercourt
Type of Production
Simon Reader
Assistant Director
Rob Porter


I was warmly welcomed on arrival by Margaret Coleman and Linda Potter and spoke with the Director Simon Reader and the cast after the performance.

I am always impressed by the attractive and flexible sets produced by this society and this was the case again. A new set had been designed and constructed by the society with a small stage added which gave the impression of a bigger performance area. As the plot centred around a cricket club and match a small cricket lawn was placed in front of the stage  with steps leading to the pavilion. There were good entrances on and off stage and a scoreboard on the left. Lighting and sound worked well with pink and blue lights used. Costumes were all relevant with the males sporting cricketing whites when appropriate.

All the characters were very well cast using the many talents in this society. Every actor performed extremely well and this was an excellent choice of play for the society with plenty of humour and strong roles.

Rob Porter played Roger Dervish, the Team Captain and along with his wife, Miriam, played by Liz McLeod was responsible for organising the match. Rob was over bearing and intolerant of his wife who was lacking in confidence but she finally rebelled. Well played both of you. Jordan Brown was an anxious and nervous Bob Wiley whilst Greg McDowell played the wonderful part of Dennis Broadley. Dennis was a louche character, a  man about town, an inveterate ladies’ man and flirt which  Greg portrayed very well indeed. Richard Kemp-Luck and Sophie Williamson, playing Kevin Costello and his wife Maggie, were perfect as the hen pecked husband and his over bearing matter of fact wife. This couple and the way they interpreted their characters were so very funny and I suspect that Richard was outside his comfort zone in this role but the pair certainly pulled it off!

Sara Talbot-Ashby, as Bob Wiley’s wife Ginnie bought a touch of class to the proceedings having arrived  for some sunbathing whilst the match progressed.

Jake Clover played Alex Harrington, a newcomer to the team who had different ideas as to what should be done and he had brought his new girlfriend Sharon, ably played by Katherine Johnson. Katherine captured this character brilliantly, lacking in confidence, shy and over anxious and the ‘toilet’ episode was hilarious.

Once the match was underway there were many hilarious moments around the scoreboard with an apparent inability to put up the correct scores!

All in all this was a fun evening with so much comedy bordering on farce and I congratulate Director Simon Reader for his innovation and imagination in staging this production.

I congratulate the society and all involved in whatever capacity and this production starts their 50th anniversary year in high style.


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