Out of Focus
- Date
- 9th June 2012
- Society
- Durrington Theatrical Society
- Venue
- The Barn Theatre, Field Place, Worthing
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Aimee Bullimore
This was Aimee Bullimore’s first attempt at directing. I was impressed with her staging and the amount of comedy she managed to extract from every situation and look forward to her future efforts. It is never easy first time round. Carol Clarke, as Helen the Brownie Leader, made a superb start to this amusing comedy giving an outstanding and memorable performance from beginning to finish. Laura Weller gave an incredible enactment of the vicar’s wife who had decided to direct a pantomime. Apart from her wonderful array of costumes and a consistent characterization of an emotional wreck her laugh had to be heard to be believed. Debz Ravera gave an equally polished performance and the other two female members of the cast, Zoe Green and Kara Burstow, provided great support throughout. Phil Salter and Malcolm Stuart once again gave great performances well supported by Peter Woodman and Will Watson. All the costumes were well chosen, many of them causing much merriment in the audience, the set was simple and realistic and the intervals between the scenes were cleverly filled by some outstandingly ‘awful’ singing adding to the atmosphere of this disastrous panto about to be staged in their village hall in front of no less a person than the vicar himself. The whole made for a light hearted and fun evening.
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