Our House - Madness Musical
- Date
- 29th October 2022
- Society
- Mayhem Theatre Group
- Venue
- Haberdashers School Hall
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Lucy Friend, Jack Davies Assisted by Andrew Griffiths
- Musical Director
- Ruth Friend
- Choreographer
- liam Phelps
This famous and iconic madness musical, first performed in 2002 from a book by Tim Firth,
Madness writing the lyrics and the music, and it attained instant success. Who can resist their music and lyrics, ‘It Must Be Love’ and ‘Our House’ two numbers of many, Madness have written.
The Blues Brothers tributes play worldwide!
A complicated story, yet the musical numbers take over, and it can be difficult to stage with a large cast, no problem for Mayhem. This fantastic cast hit the stage with their energy and enthusiasm projecting to the appreciative audience who raised the roof.
The choreography by Choreographer Liam Phelps was cleverly devised for this large cast with original and creative swift moves within all cast abilities.
MD Ruth Friend excelled keeping the pace which carried the action, with her exceptional band of musicians and Accompanist Helen Stidolph. A vital component of any Madness band is the saxophone, it has to lead so often, and musician Amy Rutter was an outstanding Saxophonist.
Unusual storyline to have a split characterisation of the main character which weaves around Joe Casey who on his 16th Birthday takes the girl of his dreams Sarah on a 1st date, to impress her breaks into a building site near his home on Casey Street owned by high end developer Mr Pressman impressively played by Lucy Edmunds. Bad Joe, very well played with skilful interpretation by Jack Davies, escapes from the police, disappears to a new life, leaving his alter ego Good Joe, played brilliantly by ultra cool newcomer to Mayhem, Dylan Pritchard, with exceptional stage presence, to face the crime. His duet with talented Erin Crossley ‘It Must Be Love‘ was very special. Some very good scenes were created .The famous song’ Driving In My Car’ with car and cast on stage was very effective. Many good performances in this show including , Dad, Archie Cowton, Mum, Megan Fairman-Foster, Emmo ,Matthew Campbell, Lewis, Sam Fairman- Foster Reecey, TG Friend, Billie, Jessica Campbell, Angie, Anya Duberley. A police force made an impact!
The story moves on to Casey Street facing demolition for new housing and a positive future for Good Joe as his love for Sarah is returned.
Another very successful production, from the talented and dedicated, Mayhem Youth Theatre.
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