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Author: Anthony Evans


15th November 2024
Maesteg Musical Theatre Society
Sony Theatre, Bridgend
Type of Production
Aled Gwyn-Williams and Sian Rees
Musical Director
Richard Hurlock-Norton
Sian Rees

It was lovely to visit the Sony Theatre to watch my first visit to a MMTS production,, and I would like to thank the society officials for their warm welcome.

Nativity the Musical is based on Debbie Isitt’s 2009 film and made its world premiere in 2017.

It follows the story of three friends from University in Coventry dreaming of being successful in the world of theatre and film but who end up taking separate paths, two end up as primary school teachers and the third goes away to work in  Hollywood.

Paul Maddens ends up in St Bernadettes whilst Gordon Shakespeare in Oakmore Prep. Over the years they put on competing shows in a Nativity Show Competition always won by Oakmore, however a new teaching assistant Mr Poppy arrives in St Bernadettes like a tornado being very excitable and childlike ends up causing chaos, by telling everyone that Hollywood are coming to see St Bernadettes, Nativity Concert.

Paul Maddens, the cardigan wearing teacher was played by Simon Webb, he played the downtrodden teacher very well and you ended up feeling sorry for him and the trouble he got in to frequently caused by Ross Donaghue’s Mr Poppy, this was a good performance by Ross who also narrated the show, some very funny moments and he seemed to love playing the role. These two characters were on stage for the majority of the show and both kept the pace going well throughout.

Jennifer Lore, the third friend and former love interest of Mr Maddens who moved to Hollywood was played by Rachel Gauntlett. Rachel had a lovely singing voice and I enjoyed her portrayal of this character.

Gordon Shakespeare who ended up being the tyrannical teacher at Oakmore was played by Jordan Francis, I enjoyed his portrayal and I am sure all the audience loved booing him, especially during Herod the Rock Opera.

The supporting roles in this show whilst not large are also important in the flow Mrs Bevan, the Headmistress of St Bernadettes was played by Lisa Howells who certainly looked the part and carried that air of authority. The Lord Mayor, Patricia Burns, Miss Rye, and Mr Parker were taken by Ross Penhale -Thomas, Nia Scourfield, Hannah Pratt and Calum Donaghue.

Obviously for anyone who knows this story the most important cast members are the children and each and every one of them seemed to be having a great time on stage.

They all had some lovely moments but the three main named roles of Alfie, Ollie and Katelyn were well played by Daniel Bevan, Freddie Davies and Seren Miles. I really like Daniel’s portrayal of Alfie, well done.

The remaining characters of teachers. parents etc were shared between the enthusiastic ensemble who all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Congratulations to the co-directors Aled and Sian and to Musical Director Richard on an enjoyable evening.

Good luck for the future and your return to Maesteg Town Hall.


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