Murder on the Nile
- Date
- 9th September 2022
- Society
- Dryburn Theatrical Workshop
- Venue
- Park View School
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Michelle Coulson
- Written By
- Agatha Christie
It was a delight as always to be back to Dryburn Theatrical Workshop for their drama production of “Murder on the Nile”. Always a warm welcome and an awesome cuppa!
The show opened with a beautifully delivered speech and silence in memory of HRH Queen Elizabeth II who had passed away that week. It was a perfectly delivered commemoration. Thank you.
“Murder on the Nile" Is based on the 1937 novel by Agatha Christie which started its life as a play named “Moon on the Nile”. Resurrected in 1942 with fewer characters than the original play version and reportedly excluding Poirot due to Christie becoming tired of him. The same plot continues, with murder, mystery and intrigue throughout.
Directed by Michelle Coulson who consistently delivers the best with her cast made no exception here. A well designed simple set, perfectly placed authentic props and costumes, great lighting design matching the period, the play was a delight to watch. All dialogue was clearly delivered and the performers well placed on stage to ensure great visuals for all of the audience.
Beadsellers Gary Eglington and Gary Blackbird set us up for hilarity, with great timing and character. We were then introduced to Andy Smith as the Steward, Annette Morris as the perfectly haughty Miss Ffoliot-Ffoulkes, Katherine Donald as her niece the ever imposed upon Christina Grant and Phil Martin as Smith a wise-cracking socialist on board. All delivered their performances with ease and had great presence. Moving on with the cast, we then met Louise the maid of Kay Mostyn played by Claire Archer, Kay Mostyn herself played by Emma Coulson and Simon Mostyn played by Phil Stabler. All delivered consistently strong performances throughout.
Dr Bessner played by Adam Donald the on board physician gave just the right balance of humour and pompous efficiency, balanced well with Lee Passmoor playing Canon Pennefather, Kay’s uncle and guardian and who ends up the detective of the piece. Jacqueline De Severac was perfectly portrayed by Erin Boyle who can always be depended upon for a sterling performance and McNaught the captain of the ship portrayed by Chris Coates.
Accents were superb and maintained throughout. Such a strong cast who gave brilliant performances.
I won’t give the game away for the culprit but “Murder on the Nile” is always a fabulous night’s entertainment and this performance was no different. Well done all of you!
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