Mother Goose
- Date
- 1st December 2012
- Society
- St Hilda's Entertainers
- Venue
- St Hilda's Church Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Hazel Bean
‘Mother Goose’ started in fine style with an enchanting scene lit by ultra violet lights which made an eye catching opening to the pantomime. The costume department provided a literally brilliant selection with paired couples even wearing colour-coordinated ones. Two star performances from Anwen Fuller who made a confident principal boy, and Sophie Gane who was bursting with vitality as the less bright son. From my point of view the songs weren’t as catchy as other years but they were enthusiastically sung by the chorus which was mostly children. There was a very pretty Maypole scene and the second act started with a really sinister one in the Land of Discontent. Pace picked up in the second act and diction was good from all on stage.
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