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Author: Anne Key-Huckerby


30th January 2013
Retford Little Theatre
Retford Little Theatre
Type of Production
Simon Cox

Anthony Horowitz's play is quite baffling and remarkable. A three-hander, it requires enormous acting skills and this trio was more than equal to the challenges they were set. Robert Warburton [Styler], Stephen Walker [Farquhar] and Stephanie Lee [Plimpton] could not be faulted in the diverse characters they portrayed. Not only were they word perfect but they took realism to new heights. The set, of an office in an experimantal hospital for the criminally insane, was ideal with excellent props. The lighting and sound effects were most dramatic and realistic. This was a great production where I would be hard-pressed to find fault. I am, however, still pondering the inner thoughts and motives of those unfortunate enough to be criminally insane. Excellent theatre.

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