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Little Shop of Horrors

Author: Keith Scott-Savage


5th March 2013
Carlton Operatic Society CIO
Landau Forte College, Derby
Type of Production
Nigel Taylor
Musical Director
David Blackwell
Anne George

This was a vibrant  production of this quirky off beat show, with  good interpretation of the fifties and sixties mannerisms.

 Julie Berrisford was a sweet and fluffy Audrey.   Craig Arme gave a competent performance in his portrayal of the timid Seymour becoming stronger under the influence of Audrey 2.  Both were ably supported by Steve Dunning as Mr Mushnik, and Paul Mills as Orin,  the sadistic dentist, a chillingly humerous role.   My highlight,  the strong and sinister voice of Audrey 2, sung by  Chris Banks and Audrey`s manipulation by Chris Margett.  Superb timing by both.  Good backing from the Urchins, Emily Towle, Rachel Wyatt and Catherine Pilsbury, along with the ` Violets`, Kathryn Fitchett, Sarah Sherrington and Lynn Towle.

 A lively chorus, an impressive set with the 5 piece band producing a great sound which was just the right blend for this show

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