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Les Miserables



16th November 2012
St Philips Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society Bolton
St Philips Church Hall
Type of Production
Mina Kirkbright
Musical Director
Margaret Stansfield
Barbara Grant

I have seen this show a number of times but I was totally overwhelmed by the quality evident in this young society. Having two seventeen year olds, one sixteen and the rest of the children between seven and fifteen, the standard can only be described as stunning. One of the youngest was Ava Cheung. who played the young Cosette on the evening that I went. She played the part beautifully. I was sorry not to have watched the other Cosette (Mia Spencer) I am sure she was just as good. Young Eponine was well played by Alice Tonge. I was very impressed with the set and scene changes. The revolve worked very well. I believe it was made by the members as was the barricade. It is a credit to all the stage crew, you must have worked so hard,well done. Having upwards of thirty youngsters on stage my congraulations to Mina and Margaret for all the hard work done in order to get such a great result. All the principals were well cast. Adam Richardson gave a super performance as Jean Valjean the prisoner who escapes, becomes mayor and eventually guardian to Cosette.I loved his rendition of `Bring Him Home` Javert, the policeman intent on capturing Valjean was well played and sung by Zack Thornley. He sang `Stars` with such feeling, and the scene where he commits suicide brought the tears. Lovely performance. Marius, the attorney who falls in love with Cosette was well sung by Ben Whitehead,His duet with Cosette was beautiful. I was also impressed by Connor Guffog who sang with such a powerful voice playing the part of Enjolras. Principal ladies all sang so well. Fantine (Ellie Spencer) gave a lovely performance. Jessica Barlow played a delightfully gentle Cosette.The high notes were a joy to hear. Rebecca Bolton as Eponine was brilliant. Her singing of `On My Own) was stunning as was her interpretation of the young girl in love with Marius but destined to die on the barricade. Comedy in the show came from the innkeepers, the Thenardiers (Laura Cunliffe and Jakub Thornley) Well played. I would like to thank all those backstage, front of house and all on stage for giving everyone a wonderful night. Thank you for the warm welcome.

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