Kinky Boots
- Date
- 22nd September 2023
- Society
- Melyncrythan Musical Theatre Company
- Venue
- Gwyn Hall, Neath
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Anthony Argyle
- Musical Director
- Matt Hampson
Review by Sharon Davies - Regional Councillor
I really don’t know where to start this review, this show started with an opening high and just got better and better. The sound from the band, under the capable baton of Matt Hampson was superb and the opening chorus number showed how hard the ensemble must have worked as it was spot on.
The set (from UK Productions) was good and was moved with speed and efficiency and done in costume. There were no big gaps and the scenes flowed seamlessly from one to the other. A great job.
Young Charlie (Jacy Vaughn Richard) and young Lola (Evan Crutchley) small roles but so important to the story. Well done boys.
Now it gets difficult, where to start. Everyone on the stage gave their all, the ensemble numbers in both singing and movement were great and there was in my opinion, some difficult choreography, all in all gave they were all a credit to the Society.
Ben Bateman as Charlie Price gave us a perfect characterisation of the role from unsure young man to hard hearted businessman. He had a fabulous singing voice and “My Fathers Son” and “Soul of a Man” were outstanding and tugged at the heart strings. Great performance.
Lola, (James Liam Price) what to say, every movement, hand gesture and pose was perfect, she (and we thought of her as “She” all night) also had an amazing voice and the range of emotions from “The Land of Lola” to “Not my Fathers Son” showed a great acting talent. She also looked amazing; I need her make up person.
Who doesn’t love a comedy role, Stephanie Jane Wright as Lauren. The lovelorn employee who realises that she has a crush on Charlie had great comedy timing, facial expressions, and gestures. She was a joy to watch and her number “The History of Wrong Guys” was delivered with the same characterisation. A really good comedienne.
There is, in many productions a tough guy who softens and comes good and Don (Dale Gravel) was very well cast and believable. I am sure he’s not like that off stage. Well played.
I don’t know what to say about “The Angels” I couldn’t tell who was playing which Angel. They were fabulous, the strutting, dancing and general demeanour were spot on as was the dancing and singing.
The choreography and production by Director and Choreographer Anthony Argyle was first rate
and they obviously, like the ensemble, had been well rehearsed by Dance Captain Andy Walters- Burnett. All in all a superb production.
I see from the programme that the costumes were by Andy Walters -Burnett and I understand that he made them. All I can say is wow! What a talent this man has, I have seen him play varying roles but didn’t realise his other talents. It would be a shame if these stunning costumes were not seen again and I hope they can be used in another production.
From start to finish this was an outstanding production by Anthont Argyle, you have a wealth of talent in this society, and not just on stage. You should all be rightly proud of this production.
Review by Anthony Evans
It was lovely to be invited back to the Gwyn Hall, Neath for MMTC’s Centenary production of Kinky Boots. It was my first time seeing this award-winning musical with the Score written by Cindy Lauper and book by Harvey Fierstein.
After a lovely welcome from the company, it was fantastic to see a full auditorium, something that was repeated for every performance of this show.
The atmosphere in the theatre was great, and when the front cloth opened to a fully professional set supplied by UK Productions we felt that we were in for a great evening’s entertainment.
The opening was very tight under the direction of Musical Director Matt Hampson with a lovely sound emanating from the orchestra pit.
The show started with a bang with “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World” featuring the whole company, with some lovely cameos on stage by some of the Company’s older members.
Young Lola and Charlie played by Evan Crutchley and Jacy Vaughan Richards had lovely voices and these young boys are to be commended on their roles.
This show requires pace and tempo and the company achieved this with slick choreography and great scene changes by the crew, who also had little cameos on stage.
The supporting cast of Neil Perks, Sophie Bevan, Nadia Witts, Sam Freeman, Steffan Lloyd , Paul Cornish, Caroline MacLachlan and Caroline Minns all played their roles well.
The Angels all looked stunning, all six of them are to be congratulated on their performance, also a huge congratulations to Andy Walters -Burnett who not only supported the Director with the choreography but also designed and made the finale costumes for the Angels which looked spectacular. I was really impressed with the” In this Corner “scene with a lovely solo by one of the Angels.
The love interest in the show was provided by Stephanie Thomas as Nicola and Stephanie Jane Wright as Lauren, both these ladies had just the right character and lovely singing voices. Stephanie Thomas played Nicola with just the correct amount of self-importance, and you took an instant distrust of her character. Stephanie Jane Wright had a lovely comedy presence on stage with great timing, I especially liked her rendition of “The History of Wrong Guys” and having watched thisactress in several roles it was great to see her revel in a comedy part. Well done both.
Dale Gravell played the role of Don, the baddy, aggressive and prejudiced until Lola let him win the boxing match and opened his eyes to accepting people for who they were.
Finally, to the two leads. Ben Bateman played Charlie Price the young man who landed with a struggling business following the death of his father to a successful businessman due to taking a risk in designing and making ladies boots to be worn by men. Ben has a stunning voice, and his rendition of Soul of a Man was fantastic as well as the duet Not my Fathers Son with Lola.
This brings me to James Liam Price who played the part of Lola, what can I say but wow. James commanded the stage every time he was on it, his facial expressions, hand movement and general performance was fantastic. This was a powerful performance by a very talented actor. His singing was amazing I loved “Hold me in your heart” and as mentioned previously the duet of “Not my Fathers Son” was for me one of the most moving pieces in the show.
Congratulations to Matt, Anthony and the whole of MMTC, it was a spectacular production with everyone involved going the extra mile to ensure the success of the show. What a way to celebrate your Centenary.
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