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Jekyll & Hyde

Author: Luke Spencer


25th October 2013
Maesteg Musical Theatre Society
Maesteg Town Hall
Sarah Thomas
Musical Director
Susan M. Heffey
Sue Bickle

This production of Jekyll & Hyde, given by the exceptionally talented members of Maesteg Amateur Operatic Society, has to be the most outstanding and exciting show I have seen given by an amateur company for a very long time. From beginning to end the audience were spellbound and the journey that we were taken on was incredible with every character came to life on that stage.

Lighting, sound, costumes, set and the attention to all detail was brilliant and I have to say that the talented musicians gathered in the pit lifted the entire production, from the beautifully played piano passages to the great sound of the full band and all must me heartily congratulated.
The cast were excellent and special mention must go to the talented ensemble. The principals all to often get the accolades but if they are not supported by a good ensemble, a production can fall flat. Not here, however, as they were exciting, strong vocally and constantly leading us into the troubled world of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. All principals were worthy of mention but I have a word limit!
Rhian Hughes demonstrated strong vocal ability and gave beautiful character to Emma and Aled Williams was a very good John Utterson. Rhys Davies, Richard Lewis, Jane Mullins, David Roberts, Lewis Scott and Kevan Lloyd gave great cameo performances as Hyde's various victims and Gwyn James was a brilliant Poole, perfectly characterised. Jim Lediard was a very strong Sir Danvers Carew and Alan Flay, Meredith Lewis, Dylan Morgan, Roger Thomas and Wayne Phillips are all also worth of mention.

Kelly Allen as Lucy Harris was fabulous, with an outstanding voice, good acting and a stage presence off the scale. However, my final word must go to by far and away the absolute star of the show. The role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde demands something quite amazing from the individual cast to play the part. The passion, energy, concentration, vocal ability and stamina that this character requires is not for the faint-hearted and Neil Parker gave it his all. This young man was quite incredible and he brought his world and his despair to the each and every one of the audience in the auditorium. Having performed some very demanding operatic roles in my time I know the work that needs to go into a performance that requires you to almost constantly be on stage and to play not one, but two very different roles in the same show and, towards the end of the show, at the same time. It is very operatic in its style in places with huge focus required from the performer and I certainly stand, applaud and shout "bravissimo" for Neil in this difficult lead.

My thanks to the entire company for an evening I will remember for years to come. Congratulations indeed!

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