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Its a Wonderful Life

Author: Eddie Regan


21st November 2012
Poulton Drama
Thornton Little Theatre
Type of Production
Colin Johnston
Musical Director

” It's a Wonderful Life” is my all time favourite Christmas film so I was looking forward to this production with some trepidation but I need not have worried. I had a lovely evening from start to finish.

We were involved from the beginning as a “studio audience”, the entire script going out live to radio listeners and we were an integral part of the play a very interesting experience. The Announcer described the scenario, letting us see and hear the sound effects to be used. All characterisations were excellent but I must make special mention of James Douglas (George Bailey) who gave an outstanding performance of the role made famous by James Stewart. Clarence (Ian Rowe) and “his boss” (Marion Campbell) were a Heavenly couple!!!

Sound effects, apart from occasional microphone problems, were delightfully innovative and for the audience to be able to see how these were accomplished added to our enjoyment. Props and costumes have no doubt been researched and they created a believable picture of the time.

Learning lines, as I have for many years, I rather envied the fact that all the cast were able to have their scripts to hand as indeed happens in all radio broadcasts.
The set was beautifully constructed and carried us back to the days before T.V. when “Radio” was king.

No doubt, the film of “It,s a Wonderful Life” will be with us again this Christmas and I am sure we will make a point of watching this heart warming story once again.

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