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HMS Pinafore

Author: Peter Parlour


25th May 2013
Richmond Operatic Society
Georgian Theatre, Richmond
Type of Production
Gilbert & Sullivan
John Holliday
Musical Director
Adrian Bramley
John Holliday

Richmond Operatic Society chose to perform ‘HMS Pinafore’ in this, their 90th year, it being their first production in 1923.  This was well received by their audiences, and all the cast really put their backs into the show. There were some very good performances, with Dan Cockett excellent as Captain Corcoran, the part being very well acted and sung.  Lou Holliday, as Dick Deadeye, was also excellent in what was probably his best part to date.  After an uncertain start, one of the younger member of the cast, Billy Gaines, played Ralph Rackstraw very well and soon excelled himself.  Playing opposite him, trying to get his eye, was the Captain’s Daughter, Josephine, well played by Claire Bramley.  Although only 16 years old, she did very well, and is a leading lady in the making.  Dan Connelly, as Sir Joseph Porter, had probably the best known song to sing,” The Ruler of The Kings Navy”, and brought the house down with his very powerful voice.  Brian Martin, as Boatswain, was really excellent, and Helen Cain played Buttercup very well indeed.  She has a powerful voice, and acted very well. Karen Brunyee, as Hebe, has a lovely voice and could be in for more leading parts.  The men’s chorus has always been very strong, and it still is.  I maintain they are the best in the area. The ladies’ chorus could do with some more members to match the men. It really was a very entertaining evening, You can’t beat G&S, which still remains very popular.  Well done R O S.

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