Frankenstein the Panto
- Date
- 6th January 2017
- Society
- West Wickham Pantomime Society
- Venue
- West Wickham Communty Hall
- Type of Production
- Panto
- Director
- Drian Drayson/Tony Dunn
- Choreographer
- Sally Warsop
Once again WWPS you have kept the spirit of pantomime alive, with a good set, props and as always, stupendous costumes. I've never seen Frakenstein the Panto before so this one was a refreshing change. Every cast member gave it their all. Yes, there were a few hiccups but I felt sure it was first night nerves kicking in.
David Warsop ( Frankie) lead this cast - with his professional approach to the part, he kept us entertained all evening, as did Miss Nelly (Tony Dunne) with his bubbly rotund portrayal of the Dame. Prince Ludwig (Beth Parrot) and Heidi (Ellie Parrot) were teamed well as the principle boy and girl. Dracula (Dan Putnam) was a little scary but Granula (Laurie Brown) was really scary a true acting part for Laurie well done.
I particularly liked the StTrinian's type ensemble of four ladies and one man (Susie Sutherland, Vicky Kalber, Claire Harrison, Mabel Crumb and Phillip George) all finding different characterisations, they were so so funny. Well done Ladies. Goggle (Barry Nichols) gave a barking performance as the dog.
Choreography was slick and well staged by Sally Warsop. Direction in the hands of Brian Drayton and Tony Dunne this year, was,tight and with a lot of props to cope with your cast did you proud. I liked the use of the smiling youngsters they executed their dance routines with poise.
Frankenstein the Panto was a hit with me. One little gripe from me the dialogue could have been picked up a little faster (but this could have been first night uncertainty). Thank you WWPS once again you entertained me. I am always treated and greeted well by your society.
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