- Date
- 4th February 2023
- Society
- Lyndhurst Drama & Musical Society
- Venue
- Vernon Theatre, Lyndhurst
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Richard Barnett & Peter Dawson
- Producer
- Hannah Marks
- Written By
- Richard Barnett, Terry Hammond and Marc Mordey
Writers Richard Barnett, Terry Hammond and Marc Mordey have created this fun panto which is great for every age that centres around Flute a talking dog who helps his Toymaker master defeat Baron von Blitzen who prefers a world of no toys or happiness.
The set is simple and works well with the story. The cast are all enjoying themselves and this really comes across.
Jack Barnett plays Flute, and has a great time with the audience and adds comedy with his belly rubs, he doesn't let on to the others that he can talk to start with. William Cooper plays Danny his owner and Toymaker. He likes Princess Vashmi played by Shana Cooper who is great in the role.
Stevie Parker plays Gladys the friendly villiager that keeps the story moving along. Vic Milne plays Baron Von Blitzen he is great in the part and adds lot of comedy and villainy, he get the audience booing. Richard Barnett plays the Sergeant of the Baron the only one which is funny.
The rest of the cast are all an assortment of toys, rabbits and prisoners, they all work well together. I really liked the prison scenes with Sally Condra, Hannah Marks, Charotte Dawson, Cally Van Der Pauw and Shawn Condra. Lots of fun lines and comedy - they also double up as Toys as the story moves along.
The baddies are the Zuds who get defeated in the end along with the Barons. This was a fun panto well done everyone.
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