- Date
- 11th November 2012
- Society
- Whitehaven Theatre of Youth
- Venue
- Whitehaven Civic Hall
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Maria Morton, Judith Henderson, Pauline Robertson
This was a new version of the Dickens classic, ‘A Christmas Carol’, by a very talented young company, reworked by Malcolm Sircom, and with a brand new musical score.
There were some lovely performances from the principals, namely Matthew Last as Ebenezer, he was suitably miserly, and delivered his difficult songs well, maybe there could have been a bigger contrast in his attitude when he realised the error of his ways. Liam Miller gave a very commanding performance as Marley’s Ghost, and I particularly enjoyed Russell Hall as a Rapping Ghost of Christmas Present, and he could moonwalk as well. The star for me was Thomas Donnan as Scrooge’s nephew Fred, he was a proper Jack the Lad, and very convincing. All the minor parts were well portrayed, and the movement, and dance by the very enthusiastic chorus, was well delivered.
I felt perhaps the company could have used the superb set to better effect, and not used as many cloths, maybe using lighting to better effect, and cross fading between scenes. Lighting and sound were generally good, and working with twenty radio mics is no mean feat. The musical score was quite difficult for a company so young, but the kids handled it well. Costumes were convincing and of period, and generally the company did Charles Dickens proud, although I wasn’t too sure about the Chairman with his Carol Interlude!
A very good all round production, it’s a pity the audience was poor, the night we attended, the company deserved better.
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