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Don't Get Your Vicars In A Twist

Author: Vicki Avery


9th May 2019
Digswell Players
Digswell Village Hall
Type of Production

The year is 1993: dealing with the start of women becoming vicars. This farce buzzed along and was great fun.

The new lady vicar Rev Caroline Timberlake (Esther Bishop) was going away, so in her absence the church warden George (Dick Breeze) had made arrangements to raise money for the church by using the vicarage for a murder mystery weekend. Both actors worked very well opposite each other, developing a good introduction to the tone of the play. 

The actors arrive with Dickie (Tim Palmer) as the director, a true lovie who’s frustration with the whole set up took a fair amount of self-.control. Never over played but always on the edge. A creditable performance. 

The actors, Marigold (Mary Goodfellow) the somewhat self-opinionated leading lady, Ronald (Arun Setty) who really likes his drink and Charles (Chris White) an actor with great facial expressions and comedy timing arrive and attempted to prepare for acting out the murder mystery. So the fun begins!!

A guest arrives, Maddie (Elaine Savage) full of fun in all situations and coping well with all manner of comic happenings. Being man mad is always fun to play.

Church warden Alan (Andy Read) was characterised perfectly. Typically helping out but never quite sure what was going on. I loved the confusion. 

Guests Freda (Maureen Davis) and Angela (Sandra Mantella) arrived not knowing it is a murder mystery weekend and their sense of timing and use of pause demonstrated how well director Diana Holt understood the somewhat wordy script. Well done ladies. 

Lastly Bishop Herbert (Andy Baker) arrives to see the vicar, so a lady vicar had to be found, thereby a lot of cross dressing goes on. The quick changes were handled well and what with the running in & out of doors, up & down stairs  and finally Vicar Caroline being pushed into the cupboard under the stairs, in true farce like style the whole evening was a laugh a minute and absolute chaos.

The set was a masterpiece of construction and typified a country vicarage. Furniture was well positioned allowing full movement for the cast and sight lines were excellent.

Lighting was appropriate as were the costumes. These were well thought out for each individual character. 

It was lovely to see a full house for this company. They had obviously worked very hard on both the script and the set and deserved all the applause given at the end

Well done all and thank you for your hospitality.

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