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Author: Lyn Emmerson


18th March 2022
St David's College
Theatre Colwyn, Colwyn Bay
Type of Production
Kate Russell
Musical Director
Phil Jones & Hannah Cox
Jennifer Appleton
Jennifer Appleton

Exactly Two years ago, I reviewed Peter Pan (Musical) for St David’s College, then disaster struck with the Pandemic. Peter Pan was the last production I saw before lockdown, so it was wonderful to be invited to their Production of Disney’s Aladdin JR. This evergreen tale of Aladdin his Sidekicks, the Genie and the Magic Lamp, was brought to the stage by a confident group of performers from the College.

The entire cast was well rehearsed, with the Producer and Director giving all pupils a chance to ‘tread the boards’ by duplicating some principal roles during the four performances.

The opening overture/ Arabian Nights saw Genie, Cai Riley take control of the proceedings by making the audience sit up and take note. This was an excellent portrayal from Cai, who had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand from his first entry and continued throughout the performance. The opening, supported by the Company, had all the makings of a great evening’s entertainment. I witnessed a creditable performance from Sion Roberts in the title role of Aladdin, with Bella Russell, dignified and graceful as Jasmine. They coped well with both script and score, ‘A Whole New World ‘being a highlight. Aladdin was well supported by his gang, Babkak, Omar and Kassim, played by Billy Griffiths, Mattie Morrison and Joe Kennedy-Lynch respectively. This trio was spot on with their delivery, and looked to be enjoying every moment of their experiences on stage. Principals in the Girls Ensemble, Isir, Manal, and Rajah, played confidently by Isabella Aubert, Teagan Girling and Katie-Rose Bridgeman respectively, added much glamour to the proceedings together with the rest of the beautifully dressed Girls Ensemble.

Harry Boyle was well cast as the dreaded Jafar, who did all he could to attain the hand of Jasmine, he was well supported by a very athletic performance from Ainsley Levine as the faithful Iago. The minor roles which were all well covered. Karim Raydan as Sultan , Jasmine’s Father, Orlando Mann, confident in the role of  Razoul, TJ Morris as Prince Abdullah. Toran Proctor and Corey Farr as Guard 1 and Guard 2, Amelie Russell and Amelie Chandran both as Beggars together with Olivia Bartwicki as Apple Vendor. Nice touches off stage from Nick Petrie as Spooky Voice and Jasper Bell in Cave of Wonders. Characters doubled up as Guards and Ensemble which added to the Company.

I hear full marks and huge Congratulations are due to all Characters at alternative performances, namely.  Charlie Russell – Aladdin, Lucie Webster - Jasmine, Grace Hill as  Iago, (Jafar’s Assistant) and the Principal Girls Ensemble Louisa Davies – Isir, Neve Gates – Manal and Elle Leverett-Wilson – Rajah. Well done all of you.

It was evident, that all musical items had been well rehearsed, solos, duets and all chorus numbers together with excellent choreography throughout which gave all on stage a chance to demonstrate their theatrical talents.  Scenery changes were swift from the competent stage crew which made the performance flow. Props, which I see from the programme, were made by some of the pupils. Lovely costumes and make up added to the success of this piece.

Congratulations and Well done to all involved in the Production. Looking forward to another ride on your magic carpet again next year!!

Many thanks to Headmaster, Mr Andy Russell for the invitation to what has been an evening of talent and sheer enjoyment. 

This is the opinion of the Reviewer.




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