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Dick Whittington

Author: Kevin Proctor


24th January 2013
Macclesfield Majestic Theatre Group
MADS Little Theatre
Type of Production
Kevin Clarke
Musical Director
Ian Jones
Kevin Clarke

Pantomime is most definitely an area of forte for this group!

The musical numbers were a particular strong point, especially the act one finale which sounded terrific.

Song choices and music used was a good mix, from disco (Night Fever) to modern ballads (The Climb) to musical theatre classics (Jellicle Ball) and, undoubtedly, the most used gimmick in pantos this season, Gangnam Style!

Jacqui Moreland as Dick Whittington was more than suited to the role, she supported the traditional character with a lovely singing voice and delivered her performance with might.

Mike Daws as Sarah (the dame) – with his enormous collection of wigs and dresses - has got to be the most physical dame I've ever seen, his tumbling, rolling and spinning was tiring me out! He even managed to squeeze in Torval & Dean’s Bolero (performed on roller skates) with the support from Sid Smith as Jack. Mike did everything in his power to make sure he was the front runner of this production. 

Alex Bingle & Luke Clayton gave a good duo act as the Captain and The Mate milking each ‘gangnam’ entrance and exit.

Yes, the jokes, gags and puns most definitely crossed the line on a number of occasions - which I'm not complaining about - they were more than suggestive and were taken as far as they could possibly go but were ultimately rewarded with the biggest laughs. Where some would say; “You went too far” I say; “Well done!”   

The energy and overall spirit of pantomime was kept up throughout. Panto is clearly a season highlight for this group and its strength proves to be popular amongst both the cast and the audience.

One particular woman in the audience clearly thought she was destined to be in this production, her persistent enthusiasm to get in on the action was handled well by the cast, which must be given credit.

All of the costumes and set (which have all been made / constructed in house) looked great and both departments complimented each other.

I appreciate the challenge of having a large ensemble as it’s not always easy to find them something to do, particularly during scenes. I always look out for some creativity or originality in this area (without detracting from the main action of course). Rather than having the chorus stood watching an entire scene in the dreaded semi-circle formation, which, let’s face it, isn’t much fun for them and not particularly interesting for us - do something with them or take them off.

There is room for improvements in regards to sound and lighting. Creativity lighting wise was sparse and poor quality recordings are pretty unforgivable in this day and age but I know plans have been discussed amongst the committee to address these areas in the near future which is favourable.

Director, Kevin Clarke has clearly lived and breathed this production for several months! He and Musical Director, Ian Jones, have both worked the cast hard which paid off and resulted in a well presented and enjoyable production.

Congratulations MMTG – a thoroughly enjoyable show making an impressive debut into District 1!

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