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Author: Ann Platten


24th May 2014
Brightlingsea Musical Theatre Group
Brightlingsea Community Centre
Type of Production
Catherine Diver
Musical Director
Hector Moyes
Lynda Western

A vibrant opening to the show with colourful costumes and lively dance routines leading into the main characters entrances.

Tony Forte/Stephen played by Danny Wallis had a pleasant singing voice and grew into the character as the show progressed gaining confidence, this was a demanding part.

Jo Morris as Samantha/Lola La Mar was exceptionally talented both with her stage presence and singing and the transistion from shy country girl to classy Copacabana singer with exactly the right style.   I liked her character a lot.

Lucy Weavers as Gladys Murphy was in top form in a soubrette role with a really strong voice, perfect in this role

Playing Conchita Alvarez we had some super dancing from Lynda Western and a good interpretation of the fiery lady she played.  Well done Lynda also with some great choreography throughout the show with chorus and dancing numbers.

Lee Western as Rico Castelli had a menacing side to the “gangster” role and looked very confident from the moment he came on stage, well done you sure scared me !

All the supporting cast added so much to this fast moving show and Aaron Reilly deserves a mention for the totally OTT interpretation fo the Maitre D/Skip, great enthusiasm Aaron, well done, the audience loved you.

The nine piece band led by Hector were excellent.   Again I must mention the tendency to play far too loud when there is underscoring with dialogue.   The band should accompany with due consideration to the voices on stage.

I suggest always for the MD to listen to the balance at dress rehearsal from the audiences point of sound although the theatre when full gives a very different balance to the sound.

Be careful of sidelines and cast waiting in the wings, there were a few times when cast could be seen eager to get on to the stage.

Well done on all the sets and costumes which all looked good and adds so much to the presentation.

Another excellent show with Catherine as Director and Hector on good form with a talented band. 

The standard is a great credit to the company,please keep it going.

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