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Author: Jim Briscoe


3rd January 2025
St Paul's Amateur Players Adlington
Adlington Community Centre, Railway Road, Adlington, Chorley
Type of Production
Graham Cohen

Cinderella ... a pantomime staged by St Paul’s Players at Adlington Community Centre, Railway Road, Adlington on Friday, 3rd January, 2025

‘Cinderella’ is the quintessential ‘rags to riches’ folk tale; a favourite of many children and a personal favourite of mine! I attended the pantomime on the first Friday of 2025, which was very cold and very wet with a threat of snow looming large. Once inside and as soon as the lights came up all that cold and wet was forgotten replaced by warmth and laughter which was just what the doctor ordered. This classic tale tells the story of a young girl, Cinderella, whose father remarries after the death of her mother.  ‘Cinders’ find herself at the mercy of her stepmother and her ever scheming step-sisters, but she never gives up hope!  She meets an old lady in the woods and then a dashing young man and her fortunes begin to change!

The Production Team ... another pantomime directed by the ever so experienced Graham Cohen.  Graham has been directing pantomimes and theatre productions for ever and it shows, you can see and feel his understanding of the piece and the obvious opportunities he offers his cast ... be proud Graham.  What was also impressive was the creative and cleverly devised choreographed numbers for this ‘army of young dancers’. Adlington Community Centre isn’t blessed with the biggest of stage areas, so to safely move forty-eight excited, energy driven young dancers safely, whilst allowing them to do their thing, requires military precision... huge challenge ... a challenge taken on board by Kate Davies assisted by May Upton. Loved the blend of dance routines, some with graceful acrobatic moves thrown in for good measure... well done you two... the ‘HUGE SMILES’ on the faces of every dancer along with their energy throughout just said it all ...  great job!

The Cast: (Principals) ... we had twelve named principals all of whom worked their socks off to make this pantomime the success it was ... Daisy Jeffs took on the lead role off ‘Cinderella’; Gareth Mabon played ‘Buttons’. Jamie Flavell played ‘Baron Hardup’, Siobhan Edge – ‘Baroness’; May Upton played ‘Prince Charming’; Millie Wells played ‘Dandini’; Kieron Garlick & Dax Owen played the ‘Uglies’ ‘Gertrude’ and Grizelda’ respectively. David Greenfield & Leanne Romney played our ‘comedy duo’ ‘Bodget & Leggit’ respectively; Meredith Atherton played ‘Fairy G’ and Ben Brooks played ‘Hagan the Horse’.  Ensemble ... forty-eight talented young dancers made up the ensemble and from first dance to last they looked like they were having the time of their young lives... Grace Brooke, Sophia Lockwood, Esme Potter Ophelia Chappelow, Lilly Newns, Jake Newns, Darcey Locke, Freya Polter, Lilah Philpott, Connie Upton, Lewis Palmer, James Hendry, Frankie Topham, Leah Stokes, Melodie Roanson, Mabel McQueen, Tilly Steel-Moone, Ameera Bakhit, Jess Robinson, Amber Chatterjee, Matilda Pidd, Alfie Howlett, Cammie Walsh, Bella Owen, Arianna Chappelow, Millie Brooke, Minnie Lockwood, Lilah Wilkinson, Aveana Rothwell, Evie Dunne Penelope Upton, Martha Coleman, Lylah Roseden, Eadie Philpott, Skye Taylor, Lotta Harris, Violet Hodge, Toby Barton, Ethan Towner, Nikita McCarthey, Layla Young, Felicity Garth, Olivia Chapmen, Katie Cobden, Lucy Cobden, Tilly Coleman, Layla Young, and Isabella Towner made up the ensemble ... well done everyone, you did great, be ever so proud!  

Sometimes, it’s really difficult to start selecting favourites or a ‘show stealer’, when you can see and feel that everyone had given their all and this was one of those occasions. But, never one to sit on the fence ... and although I don’t have an actual ‘showstealer’... I would like to give a few ‘shout outs’ ... the first going to our ‘Uglies’ ... ‘Gertude and Grizelda’ played by Kieron and Dax respectively, who did a fabulous job with these two roles! Two very experienced actors who just took control from the moment they ‘entered the building’ as they say!  Confident, assured, they bounced off each other ever so well. The interaction with the audience was impressive ... poor old Mark, Grizelda’s man in the audience that night, must have gone home ‘shell shocked!  What makes a good ‘dame’ ... it really is all about confidence, stage presence, the ability to create a character that the audience love to have banter with and having the responses to react to whatever the audience throws back at you .... these two had it in bucket loads... very funny, spot-on comic timing and two great individual characters who worked ever so well together ... be proud guys!  Next ‘shout out’ ... Gareth Mabon and his portrayal of ‘Buttons’. Gareth is a born entertainer! He oozes confidence, has impeccable comic timing and another that engages with the audience with effortless ease!  I’ve seen Gareth play this type of role on many occasions, he’s just the perfect fit ... voice, mannerisms, movement, he just draws the audience in until he has them in the palm of his hand... be proud Gareth! Siobhan Edge, played the ‘hardly evil Baroness’. Whenever or wherever I see Siobhan perform, she just makes me laugh! A natural comedian, with all the mannerisms and facial expression you can wish for ... love watching her do her thing!  I could go on ... ‘Prince Charming’ and ‘Dandini’ played by May Upton and Millie Wells, did great job; David Greenfield and Leanne Romney playing ‘Bodget and Leggit’ our ‘comedy duo’ ... created great likeable characters; as did Daisy Jeffs as ‘Cinderella’. I really did like Meredith Atherton’s interpretation of ‘Fairy G’, Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, great diction and a lovely singing voice, be proud each and all. Can I, before moving on, mention some ‘lines that got lost’ ... it happens to us all!  On stage at the time ... we had the ‘Uglies’ and the ‘Baroness’. It matters not who’s line was lost, what was impressive was the way they navigated their way out of the ‘hiccup’ ... just sublime!  They turned what could have been a disaster into ‘panto gold’ ... they had the audience and me belly laughing, it ended up being one, if not the funniest parts of the production, you just can’t teach that! Be proud you three, be proud everyone!

Staging/Set/Tech ... as always here at Adlington, there are ‘wizards’ at work when it comes to ‘in house’ sets and props ... none more so than the ‘fabulous’ coach that took Cinders off to the ball... impressive! Looking after all things back stage and allowing the panto to flow with ease we had Jill Heeks (Stage Manager), assisted by Richard Houghton and Alan Leyland. Stage Crew included Steve Pilkington, Barry Heeks, Kamil Kupniewski, David Worsley, Vince Taylor, Steve Blundell and Paul Stanley. Sound and Lighting was again up to the high standards expected here at Adlington ... Sound being looked after by Joanna and Natalie Sweet ... Lighting being overseen by Stuart Naylor and Richard Cornes... well done folks!  I also had the pleasure to be introduced to Howard Bates (Scenic Artist), what a talented man ... be very proud of what was on show that night Howard... impressive!

Wardrobe/Props... the costumes were ever so impressive, especially the myriad of costumes worn by the ‘young dancers’, I think I possibly commented on them last year... but again, they were ever so impressive and enhanced the show so much!  Props... first class, used/worked well... Costumes: under watchful eye of Jen Upton, Lisa Cohen, Judith Armstrong, Jane McQueen and Christina Towner... Props by Becca Hilton and Georgia Hilton.

Chaperones ... it takes so many people to stage a production … but whenever ‘young people’ are involved, there’s an additional layer of people needed to ensure that these young performers are kept safe and in a secure environment’ which is a legal requirement.  To ensure this happens we rely on selfless volunteers to fill the roles of chaperones. I couldn’t find the names of those volunteers in the programme, but for sure you will know who you are.... thank you so much for your time, trouble, without you these young people would not have the same opportunities to pursue their ‘hobby’ they love so much … we thank you so much for your involvement and your dedication.

Finally, can I take this opportunity to wish everyone at St Pauls all the best for 2025.  Thanks to Graham Cohen for his welcome and for looking after us throughout the evening.  Great show, look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Stay Safe, Keep well
“Stronger Together”

Jim Briscoe …
District 6 Rep

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