- Date
- 13th December 2024
- Society
- Woodfield Entertainers
- Venue
- Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall
- Type of Production
- Pantomime
- Director
- Jo Knox
- Musical Director
- Kenny Menet-Hawkins, Melanie Elgar
- Choreographer
- Amalee Gamache, Jo Knox, Louise Chaplin, Melanie Elgar
- Producer
- Tanya Hallett
- Written By
We received a lovely warm welcome from Jenny Gamache, Tanya McArthur and director Jo.
A well-loved pantomime, a brand-new director, and Friday 13th…what could possibly go wrong ?
The set backdrops were very attractive and flexible. No surprise here as this has been a feature of many Woodfield shows. Props too were well made and handled effectively. The pumpkin was interesting. It seemed to inflate and I was nervous about what it was going to do !
Lighting was excellent throughout, with some nice effects. The choice and amplification of music was very good; and voices could generally be heard above it.
Costumes and wigs were really superb throughout. In particular, the Ugly Sisters maintained a sort of bizarre glamour; and the Baron & Baroness looked delightful. His outfit seemed almost comedia dell’arte
It was an excellent script, beautifully written and crammed with good jokes. But even a fine script needs a strong team to get the best out of it. That’s what you had and that’s what you did !
The opening number Walking on Sunshine was a super ensemble piece. And the actions of the company were very nicely co-ordinated. Money was another great number…well sung and moved.
ACT II had a good opening song and the ballroom scene was very colourful. I’m a Believer was great fun and there was such a good dance routine.
The classic ghost scene was a hoary old cliché…but it was jolly well done.
Light Up the World was a delightful ensemble piece; and a lively finale showcased everybody in all their finery.
Neil Edwards played Buttons (of course). With his wonderful delivery and body language, he worked the audience into a frenzy. However, his comments about the costume were accurate. Don’t know how the buttons managed to stay on !
Cinders (Cara Turner) sang a beautiful Another Suitcase in Another Hall, along with the ensemble, and a very nice duet with Prince Charming (Heather Chatfield).
Those Ugly Sisters (Kenny Hawkins and Louise Chaplin) were a deviant delight. Their make-up, mannerisms and repartee were screechingly funny. Their Raining Men was gloriously grotesque…loved it to bits.
Mel Elgar’s Dandini was gobby and hilarious and stole scenes shamelessly; whilst the Herald (Lisa Langdon) was stern and slick and sardonic.
Betty Lapham and Denise Hillier had so much more oomph than the average Hardups, with Denise’s nasty domme Baroness and Betty’s weedy Italian sub Baron.
Their Majesties (Claire Webb and Tricia Groden) were a nice combination, always arguing but always close; and Grabbit and Scarper (Alex Lapham and Marie Groden) made their double-act debut as the Bailiffs. Hopefully, they’ll do more of the same on their journey. And Caz Edwards, in her first outing as the Fairy Godmother, was all warm and luverly…as she should be.
Your ensemble can certainly feel proud at how well and how strongly they supported the principals.
And what went wrong ? Nuffin’ ! Take a bow Jo and you too Tanya. It was a glorious show,
Thank you Woodfield Entertainers. You are going from strength to strength.
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