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Author: Jim Briscoe


13th December 2024
Wigan Little Theatre
Wigan Little Theatre, Crompton Street, Wigan
Type of Production
Christine Armstrong
Musical Director
Rick Kershaw
Louise Hawkes

Cinderella ... a pantomime staged by Wigan Little Theatre at Wigan Little Theatre, Compton Street, Wigan on Friday 13th December 2024.

It may have been a cold, damp, dreary Friday night in December, but Wigan Little Theatre’s panto, written by the legend that is Bill Collins, who passed just over twelve months ago, certainly did warm us all up and transported us to panto land with his adaptation of this much-loved folk tale. Cinderella is the story of a young girl, whose father remarries after the death of her mother.  ‘Cinders’ finds herself at the mercy of her two scheming step-sisters, but she never gives up hope!  She meets an old lady in the woods and then a dashing young man and her fortunes begin to change! This quintessential ‘rags to riches’ folk tale; is a favourite of many children and a personal favourite of mine! I’ve spent the best part of forty years being involved in the production and staging of pantomimes and the last thirty-one years playing pantomime dames - ‘Oh no you haven’t, Oh yes I have’ and my first ever role as Dame was playing one of the ‘ugly sisters’ in Cinderella, so I think I can honestly say that ‘pantomime’ is in my blood and has become part of my life ... and this version/production was right up my ‘street’!

Production Team ... as stated above, this version of Cinderella was penned by Bill Collins. Taking the reins and bringing Bill’s vision to stage was the ever so experienced Christine Armstrong (Director), Louise Hawkes (Choreographer) and Rick Kershaw (Musical Director) and what a terrific job they made of it!  The principal cast were well chosen and well-rehearsed and as soon as those curtains parted looked like they were ready to give us their all, which they did and more!  Loved, loved, loved the choreography set by Louise ... original, imaginative ... playing to the strengths of a wonderful troupe of young dancers from the Buckley Theatre School. Not only did they dance to a high standard, but they sang as well ... impressively!  Be ever so proud you guys, your efforts really did enhance this pantomime so much!  Well done you three, without doubt you got the best out of everyone ... huge congrats, great job!  

The Cast ... I’ve said this so many times recently, but I must say it again, I did feel the success of this production wasn’t down to an individual but down to the entire cast, young dancers and all, coming together as one and just having the time of their lives!  Energy, effort and enthusiasm were there as soon as those curtains parted and continued throughout.  All the cast, principals, supporting characters and the young dancers did ever so well and should all be congratulated.  So, having said all that, if I may, I’d like to identify all cast members and then give a few ‘shout outs’ to MY favourites characters, you may well have your own, but these will be mine!  Principal cast included: Fiona Stewart playing Cinderella; John Churnside and Mark Lloyd playing the ‘Ugly Sisters’ ... ‘Lavina’ and ‘Lucinda’ respectively. Becky Brown almost stole the show for me with her portrayal of ‘Prince Charming’, but as I say... the whole not an individual made this the success it was! Jess Sinclair played ‘Dandini’, Jack Liam played ‘Buttons’, Maureen Schofield played ‘Baddie’ an unusual character, but Maureen made it her own!  Nicola Reynolds played the ‘Fairy Godmother’ and John Dudley played ‘Baron Hardup’. The ‘principals’ were ever so well supported by an amazing young Dance Troupe from the Buckley Theatre School, who not only danced but sang impressively as well ... they included Scarlett Stockwell, Naomi Ryan, Lavinia Rose McLoughlin, Isabelle Rhead, Pheobe Naylor, Lilly Rothwell, Gracie Kenyon, Lanie Campbell, Lili Clarke, Lily Finney, Amelia Reeves and the only male dancer Zayn Khan, who looked like he was having the time of his young life... boy can he dance!  Favourite Characters... and I’m not going to sit on the fence here ... I thought the young dance troupe where up there with as good as it gets! They supported the principals ever so well, confident, assured and never looked out of place, their dancing and their singing was impressive, adding so much to this pantomime, they really do need to be congratulated!  Becky Brown did an amazing job as ‘Prince Charming’. Looked totally comfortable throughout and totally made this part her own. Confident, assured a perfect fit for this role and ‘boy can this lady sing’... loved her rendition of ‘Somebody to Love’ with Dandini and Cinders and ‘She Used to Be Mine’ with the ‘young chorus’ who all used ‘sign language’ in conjunction with the song (tutored by Colette Davies-Kirwan for British Sign Language), detail, detail, detail ... congrats Becky, great job!  OMG then we had the terrible two... John Churnside and Mark Lloyd ... ‘Lavinia’ and ‘Lucinda’ respectively. These two worked ever so well together, creating two great characters... their ability to involve their audience in everything they did was to be applauded. Loved the ‘Parcel Scene’ and the ‘Balloon Scene’ – hilarious, brought the house down. The question I continually ask myself is ... ‘Why do people flock, every year, to sit on the front row when John’s around? They must go home ‘soaked’ but they obviously love it... well done you two, effortless comedic entertainment from start to finish!  Fiona Stewart did a smashing job with our lead Cinderella, again confident, great character created, and another blessed with a great voice, loved her rendition of ‘I’m not that Girl’... be proud Fiona, good job!  My final ‘shout out’ goes to our ‘tap dancing’ ‘Buttons’ played ever so well by Jack Liam. I did feel it took Jack a little time to reach his full potential, but once he did ... wow, he provided us with a great character who oozed confidence. Loved the ‘tap dancing’ routine’ to Mr Blue Sky’, very impressive. Jack worked well with all the cast and interacted really well with the audience ... be very proud Jack.   As I’ve said previously, it’s really difficult at times to start selecting ‘favourites’ especially when you can tell that everyone has given of their best... all I can say is that everyone should be proud of their performance because this truly was a great team effort! 

Stage/Set/Tech ...  as is always the case here at Wigan, best use was made of all the space available. Great sets accompanied by some stunning backcloths were used throughout to create the various locations which enhanced the production and worked ever so well!  In charge backstage was Shelia Cleary (Stage Manager). Christine Armstrong (Director) had designed the set which was built and constructed by a whole host of people that I will call the Wigan Little Theatre Construction and Painting Teams to great effect.  Lighting Design was by Andy Brown and operated by Becky Hampson and Will Mulhearn with a whole host of members used as ‘Follow Spot’ operatives. Sound was designed by Rick Kershaw and operated by more willing helpers from the society, again too numerous to mention.  All in all, the staging/tech worked really well and enhance the panto even further.  

Costumes/Props ... were, as always first rate and again enhanced the production ever so much. Costumes/Wardrobe were in the capable hands of Stacey Vernon (with great handmade Dames Costumes being created by Mary B Hill) ... the Props were excellent and used well ... were underthe watchful eye of Elaine, Anne, Katie, Alex and Patricia, more member of WLT.  Well done one and all .... great job!

Chaperones/Matrons ... whenever young people are involved in a production... the need for ‘chaperones/matrons’ is vital, so I never miss an opportunity to thank/praise these selfless people, who give up of their time to support and keep safe these amazing young people... and here at Wigan is just the same. Not named in the programme.... but thank you so much!

So, I say to all at Wigan Little Theatre, thank you so much for inviting me and thanks for Anne Wooley (Chairman) for arranging a seat for me at the last minute, for sitting with me when my wife was unable to attend and for looking after me throughout, appreciated Anne.  To all at Wigan Little Theatre ... have a great Christmas and I’ll see you all again in 2025!

Stay Safe, Keep well
‘Stronger Together’

Jim Briscoe
District 6 Rep
NODA North West

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