Caught In The Net
- Date
- 29th October 2021
- Society
- Brantham Amateur Theatrical Society
- Venue
- Brantham Village Hall
- Type of Production
- Farce
- Director
- Lauren Carrigan
- Assistant Director / Producer
- Sophie Mercer
I have always enjoyed my visits to Brantham Village Hall but after 20 months of restrictions this was very special. Little did I know what a treat it was going to be. Caught in the Net is written by Ray Cooney. It falls within the genre of farce which is notoriously difficult to perform. BATS tackled it most successfully with pace and verve.
The visually split set on the small stage was quite simple but worked really well throughout the piece. It was always clear to the audience whose house we were in.
Mary(wife No 1) played by Teresa Fraser was every inch the homely, loving partner. This was a very true portrayal and her reactions to all the madness around her were always so appropriate. I particularly enjoyed her mounting anxiety about Stanley's sexual habits.
Barbara(wife No 2) played by Lesley Mercer, was equally well portrayed. Her increasingly frustrated reactions to her many very strange phone calls were so truly done.
Lewis Howlett and Connie Lewis as the two children, Gavin and Vicki had just the right mix of obedience and teenage rebellion to their parents. Well done to you both.
John Smith - Mark Hinson, as the guilty party on the brink of being found out was very convincing. As the situation became more and more complicated his heightened anxiety was always entertaining.
The lodger Stanley Gardner, brilliantly portrayed by Ben Cook, was for me the real star of the piece. His ineptitude and shambling physicality whilst cleverly handling so many props made the increasing chaos so very funny. He managed every change of plan with such panache. This was a very strong performance.
Alan Jones as his father gave a super portrayal of a somewhat confused older man. Every reaction rang so true. A lovely character performance.
Every member of the cast must be congratulated for their incredible timing. Every entrance, every exit through the many different doors was precise and enabled the play to move with the speed that it needed. I was so impressed. This was supported by the incredibly accurate timing of every doorbell and telephone call. Very well done to the backstage team of Angie Heath and Toby Smith.
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