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Calendar Girls

Author: Anne Lawson


10th November 2012
Egerton Players
Egerton Millennium Hall
Type of Production
Jeff Moody

By now you will know of the ladies of Knapley WI and how their decision to produce a saucy calendar to raise £500 to purchase a sofa for the hospital visitors room grew into an astonishing half a million! Release of this play to the amateur stage has given groups a wonderful opportunity to raise funds for Leukaemia Research. A true story of life and life that affects us all, sometimes moving, sometimes hugely funny. John’s death impacted on them all and they did get to see his sunflowers bloom. A dedicated strong cast worked together under Jeff Moody’s direction, all having a personal reason to be involved. The nude poses were executed so tastefully and were so very funny – particularly the iced buns. All characters were quite different but totally believable, I suppose ordinary women. Good male casting too with special mention to the dying John played by Andrew Traill. Congratulations to set design team for the church hall with perfect props, some quite large, and to the crew setting them so quickly and efficiently. Photographed panels of the Yorkshire countryside when reversed became the sunflowers, deserve particular praise. Penny Tobin on the technical side developed a good sound mix with appropriate incidental music and noises off together with an excellent lighting plot. A first for me with much appreciation to all involved.

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