Calendar Girls
- Date
- 8th November 2012
- Society
- Sevenoaks Players
- Venue
- Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
- Type of Production
- Play
- Director
- Sandra Barfield
Taking on such a project, as well as taking your clothes off, is a brave venture for any drama group, whose audience is likely to have seen the story on the big screen or a professional production. But Sevenoaks Players’ version rose to the challenge. The scenery was very simple with the main part of the stage used as the village hall and, after I had worked out that this was not part of the village hall, the back of the stage (covered by curtains when not in use) depicted John’s Hill. The back projection gave a nice rural scene but spoiled on one occasion when the shadows of the cast were seen running behind to get from one side of the stage to the other! I have nothing but admiration to everyone who had to gather the vast amount of props that were needed. In contrast, costumes must have been fairly simple being more modern day. The bonding of the girls was very believable, as was the little sub-story plots of the personal life issues of the characters. Anna Wood and Elizabeth McCreadie led the way as Annie and Chris whose friendship is tested by their rise to fame. They are backed up by fellow rebels Cora (Alex Grist); Ruth (Cathryn Short); Jessie (Barbara Smith); Celia (Ruth Makepeace) and snobby WI chairwoman Sylvia Thorpe. Each character had their moment centre stage and the comic timing and emotional empathy provided the light and shade of a play that alternated between tears of laughter and sadness. The men on stage, James Osborne, playing John, Chris Howland as Rod and Frankie Gahan playing Lawrence/Liam added the opposite side of the sex spectrum with solid performances. Well done to all the other cast members I haven’t mentioned by name. Sandra Barfield’s direction ensured a slick photo shoot scene promoting the fun of the moment and protecting modesty. This excellent cast portrayed a funny and sad play brilliantly, whose success would win first prize in any WI competition!
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