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Calendar Girls

Author: Peter Breach


8th November 2012
Grantham Operatic Society
Guildhall Theatre, Grantham
Type of Production
Mark Brown / Mary O'Neil & Paul Meakin

Thoughtful direction provided a very good interpretation of this play. There was excellent characterisation and fine acting from every member of the cast who delivered their lines clearly, with confidence and good timing. The sets were cleverly designed and constructed and scene changes were carried out swiftly by a very efficient stage crew. I was particularly impressed with the innovative way in which John’s hill was created. The capacity audience loved this play and heartily expressed their approval throughout the performance. To assist in promoting this production and to raise money for charity, this society produced a calendar featuring members of the cast and also used specially made ‘sunflower’ badges to identify front-of-house staff. Congratulations on delivering this wonderful entertainment to such large audiences, your dedication paid off handsomely

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