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Calendar Girls

Author: Brenda Gower


22nd September 2012
Haven Players
Stone Cross Memorial Hall
Type of Production
Douglas Dalziel

This play is full of emotion and fun and both these facets were well portrayed by the cast with the simple but effective set and lighting providing the many scene changes. Director Douglas Dalziel dealt with this well known real life story with sympathy and real understanding of what these brave womaen were endeavoruing to do, together will all the highs and lows of their relationships. All the ladies concerned gave very good performances, allowing their characters to come through in a definite way. Michael Bale played John whose untimely death had precipitated the idea of the calendar and gave an excellent and very moving performance. The rest of the cast supported the action admirably. I'm so glad that this play has come out for amateurs to tackle and Haven certainly did a very good job with it.

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