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Calendar Girl

Author: Anne Key-Huckerby


2nd October 2012
Retford Little Theatre
Retford Little Theatre
Type of Production
Liz Wood

Heartiest congratulations to the entire cast of Tim Firth's play and a special word to the six brave ladies who were prepared to 'strip off'. As I anticipated, this was done with the utmost decorum. All the actors suited their parts admiirably and worked well together.There was real team work. Cleverly mixing heartbreaking pathos with cheeky fun throughout, the Director presented the audience with a truly memorable evening. The set of the village hall with small sections for John's Hill and the W.I.Conference Hall in London worked very well. The technical details were well aspected and the props were very good. Lesley Warburton gave an awesome portrayal as Marie, the snobbish Chairman of the W.I and Margaret Doherty was equally 'upper crust' as Lady Cravenshire. The men in this true story played their parts admirably with Frank Stamp being particularly notable as John Clarke. It was interesting to observe the different outfits worn by the ladies for they were clearly chosen to reflect each person's character. This was a production where it would be difficult to find any fault. Well done.

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