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Bothered and Bewildered

Author: Chris Horton


21st November 2019
Compton Players
Compton Village Hall
Type of Production
Eric Saxton

BOTHERED & Bewildered by Gail Young is a play detailing a family’s struggle with Alzheimer’s and focuses on the repercussions for Irene and her daughters, Beth and Louise.  Its told, sometimes in flashback (Irene’s past) and fantasy, Irene’s imagined conversations with Barbara Cartland who delivers fantastical dated advice. It’s a mixture of humour and pathos, combining laughter and tears.  

The stage design was inventive and basic with minimal furniture denoting changes of scenes and included a raised level for the doctor’s consulting room. The props were realistic and well used.  

The costumes were in keeping with the story. There was great attention to detail and the costume and make up for “Barbara Cartland” were particularly impressive.  

The lighting was good and well controlled throughout. The sound was excellent with good use of voices and music for the hallucination scenes.

With a cast made up of Compton Players' regulars, this play told a heartfelt and touching story as Beth and Louise tried to manage their mother’s descent into Alzheimer’s. There were some nicely judged performances and everyone was confident and comfortable with their roles. The acting, particularly Liz Saxton as Irene was realistic and emotional. This was an excellent example of ensemble acting. Under the direction of Eric Saxton, this production proved that humour can often be found in difficult circumstances as Irene and her daughters faced frustrating realities. Another success for Compton Players.

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