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Author: Marie Coltman


25th July 2019
Ringwood Musical & Dramatic Society
Type of Production
Suzy Collins, Tamsin Fawn & Jane Howell
Musical Director
Jonathan Spratt, Alastair Hume & Matt Timmins
Dexter Gibson, Lucie Evans,Ann Clark, Hazel Burgess, Naomi Wilkinson

Ringwood’s Summer Show this year was called Bookshelf. The shows are all based on books that you might find on the shelf. With three shows on offer we were in for a treat.

We first saw Fairy Tales, I really liked this one. The room was decked out with toadstools and flowers setting the scene. The costumes were just right. Director & Choreographer Jane Howell has worked hard with the cast and come up with a nice story filled with songs and beautiful dancing. Musical director, Matt Timmins, had included the right songs in this section.. Additional choreography was by Naomi Wilkinson.

After a break with nibbles,  we saw ‘An examination of plays by William Shakespeare’. Directed by Tamsin Fawn, with Musical Director Alastair Hume, with additional choreography by Lucie Evans, Ann Clark & Hazel Burgess. This was set in a school, with children sitting their exam on Shakespeare. One of the lads was struggling and William Shakespeare ‘appears’ to help him, and we get transported into various plays with songs along the way. This was a very clever section and everyone looked like they were having fun.  

After the second break we went to see Cookery Book, this time directed by Suzy Collins, with Jonathan Spratt as Musical Director and Choreography by Dexter Gibson. This fun section was set in Gaston’s restaurant with everyone all cooking and serving a meal to a restaurant critic. There was good use of both songs and dance to keep the story going and a large cookery book on the wall with Gordon Ramsey & Delia Smith recipes to follow. The opening song ‘Be our Guest’ was perfect for the setting.  

All three sections had a lot of time spent on them to get them just right. Well done everyone for a great evening’s entertainment.

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