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Blackadder III

Author: Helen Abraham


6th September 2023
Dryburn Theatrical Workshop
Park View Community School
Type of Production
Michelle Coulson
Written By
Richard Curtis & Ben Elton

As always, it’s a delight to attend Dryburn Theatrical Workshop for their performances.  Consistently slick, of a real high quality and standard, attention to detail and the warmest welcomes in the area!

On this occasion it was to report on their play, Blackadder III which originally aired on the BBC in 1987 starring Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, Tony Robinson and Helen Atkinson-Wood which many of us will remember fondly and is set in the reign of George III!  Dryburn chose to present three of those episodes being Ink & Incapability, Sense & Sensibility and Amy & Amiability.  Blackadder of course being one of the greatest TV characters, voted 2nd best British sitcom of all time and the 9th best TV show of all time by Empire magazine – quite the trophy list!

All episodes follow the misfortune of Blackadder, played by Stephen Shield as the clever shrewd and manipulative titular character and his hapless servant Baldrick, played by Chris Coates.  Both played their parts superbly, their timing, expression and wit in delivering the first-class script was really excellent.  Their dynamic together was excellent and really delivered the satire and comedy to the audience clearly which we appreciated and enjoyed very much.

Phil Stabler as Prince George consistently gave us fabulous animation and delivery and I loved Mrs Miggins played by Annette Morris dusting off the pies, really well delivered.

Thanks to Erin Boyle and Jillaine Hindson my partner and I was still bellowing “HOT POTATO HOT POTATO” at each other a few hours after we left!  Their antics as Kenrick and Mossop respectively were hilarious, they even stayed in character for the raffle being set off again by Prince George mid way through – hilarious!  Other supporting actors who delivered a sterling performance were Lee Passmoor as Dr Johnson/Duke of Cheapside, Max Weatherhead as Byron/Anarchist, Kirsty Shield as Shelley, Frances Wood as Coleridge, Emma Coulson as Amy Hardwood, David Bulman as Mr Hardwood, Abbey Stephenson as Sally Cheapside, Neil Hindson, James Robson and Karen Scott.  Well done to you all.

A huge appreciation to those who’s hard work gave us an excellent set, detailed props, costume and make up.  the intrinsic detail did not go unnoticed and was far more detailed than is usually observed at plays in the area.  It really did set you apart, well done.  It was also lovely to see so many of Dryburn’s members supporting the show in the audience.  Lovely play, really well done to you all.

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