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Billy Elliot

Author: Sharon Davies


31st January 2020
Monmouth Comprehensive
Monmouth comprehensive School
Type of Production

Firstly let me say thank you to this new member for the kind invitation.

This school production had a large cast, and more male performers than I have seen in societies for a long while.

I saw Harry Cummins as Billy, he gave an exceptionally strong performance, I understand he is not a dancer but we would not have known,

Michael( William Hevicon) again I only saw this performance, but he was a joy to watch, he was infectious and “Expressing Yourself” was beautifully performed.

Ryan Trigg as Dad, Dan Smith as Tony and Bethany Piper as Grandma made up the dysfunctional family, and each gave very good performances.

Annie Porter as Mrs Wilkinson gave us another good, solid performance.

I was extremely impressed with the accents; they were kept up throughout the performance by the entire cast, and it must have been very difficult for parents to hear some of the language that, I am sure, they would never hear at  home.

There are far too many characters to single out but every part was well cast and believable.. The whole cast kept up the energy level from beginning to end, they moved set and curtains efficiently and swiftly and I loved the walk down when all were wearing tutu’s.

I must mention the Maggie Thatcher Puppet which was made by Cara Wright and Florence McGarry, spitting image et your heart  out,  it was brilliant.

This was an excellent production, you must have worked very hard, and you should be very proud of yourselves. A credit to the school



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