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Beyond A Joke

Author: Betty Haslam


2nd November 2012
Players of Elstead Theatrical Society
Elstead Village Hall
Type of Production
Denise Cleaver

Director Denise Cleaver made the most of this farce assisted by a talented cast displaying their comedy talents. Sue Gowar (Jane) and Jos Johnston (Andrew) her husband made the most of their parts. Terry Gardiner was the very bewildered future son-in-law Geoff. The three main characters were well supported by the rest of the cast as the bodies of the unfortunate tradesman were transported to the Summer House in a wheelbarrow. One of the many hilarious episodes was when Peter Jewell as a very bewildered Vicar decided on an after lunch snooze, dropped off to sleep and promptly died then was put into the wheel barrow and carted off to the summer house.
The set was designed by Brian Wilkins who sadly passed away on the 8th October. Stage Manager Brian Godman and his team built the set which comprised a split stage with a sitting room in one half and a well constructed garden comprising flowers and a lovely lawn dressed by Janet Padwick
All was explained in the end to the full house audience who had a very enjoyable evening.

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