Beauty and the Beast
- Date
- 30th October 2012
- Society
- Portsmouth Players
- Venue
- Kings Theatre, Southsea
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Martyn Knight
- Musical Director
- Steve Tanner
- Choreographer
- Martyn Knight
This was a superb production making good use of the whole stage and also using the scenery to good effect. There were though times when the production struggled over the movement of some of the scenery whether it was done either visibly or behind curtain. There were fine performances especially from Emma Wilson,”Belle”, Paul Clements,”Beast”, Stuart Warner, ”Gaston” and Dario Recchia,”LeFou”. Not only was their singing superb but the overall acting was excellent. They were very well supported by Roger Keevil,”Lumiere”, Christopher Brooke, “Cogsworth”, Nikki Taylor, “Mrs Potts”, and John Bettesworth as “Maurice”. There was very good part singing from the chorus with some fine dance routines. This was easily the best balanced production I have seen at the Kings since I joined NODA as District Rep. The orchestra were well balanced both within themselves and also against the singers on stage. At no time were the soloists drowned and they were able to sing quite quietly at times which has not always been so in the past. Well done to Steve Tanner and the orchestra. An excellent show all round well directed and choreographed by Martyn Knight.
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