Anything Goes
- Date
- 23rd October 2012
- Society
- Nottingham West Music & Drama Society
- Venue
- Kimberly School Nottingham
- Type of Production
- Musical
- Director
- Gillian Williams
- Musical Director
- John Wilson
- Choreographer
- Rosie Lishman
This was certainly a stylish cruise with a nice “meet and greet” as a very suitable prelude. It was well directed by Gillian, the combination of a large cast and limited stage area being overcome by good preparation and not a little skill. John made his debut as MD and certainly made an impact on the musical side with lovely interpretation, control and obvious enthusiasm which passed through to the performers both on stage and in the pit. On stage there was a slightly nervous start on the first night, but this was soon overcome with very good performances all round. Rosie Lishman was a splendid Reno while Martin Belcher as Billy and Emma Heydon as Hope were both in great form blending well together dramatically and vocally. Jono Wilson was very good as Lord Evelyn as was Tom Bailey as Moonface and Hannah Lishman was a super Erma. The chorus provided great support especially with the musical numbers. The choreography and dance were superb especially the “Angels” routines. The costumes were excellent and the set worked well making the most of the space available with good stage management keeping the show momentum going. Lighting and sound were fine and well controlled. This was a very enjoyable evening and I am certain the audience felt likewise.
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