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Annie Get Your Gun

Author: Anne Lawson


27th June 2014
Bexhill Light Opera and Dramatic Society (BLODS)
De la Warr Pavilion Bexhill
Type of Production
Judy Welsh
Musical Director
Trevor Sheldrake
Melodie Squire

There’s No Business Like Showbusiness – Irving Berlin’s 1947 Annie Get Your Gun stands the test of time with sharp shooting Annie Oakley v Frank Butler proving ‘You Can’t Get A Man With A Gun’!  This was a colourful, sing along production, action packed and good to hear lyrics from the strong cast.  Perfect pairing of leads  Kitson Wellard and Jess Roberts ‘Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly’ with an exceptional rendition of ‘Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better’.  Some good characterisations were brought together under Judy Welsh’s direction with well rehearsed chorus numbers together with dance movement created by Melodie Squires.  The children added the ‘ah factor’ coming across confidently.  The scenery was particularly eye catching with big top and rigging, red, white and blue giving us a western show within a show which was well handled by the back stage crew. The dancing girls certainly put the men through their paces and made up the numbers.  Sound effects were well timed particularly for the grand shoot out.  Overall, this was a good traditional production with some nice comedy additions.

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