An evening of comedy
- Date
- 28th October 2021
- Society
- Wymondham Players
- Venue
- North Wymondham Community Centre
- Type of Production
- play
How lovely to see the players back in action and enjoying every minute on stage.
Cupboard Love is one of the five Deckchairs duologues (one that I have missed) and this series is always so entertaining with clever dialogue, a lot to learn and keep in pace. Certainly Heather Carpenter as Peggy and Mary Primrose as Jane were well matched as they jogged along the promenade and discussed their particular man-friends, the exercises kept to the style and mood, and the competition of meals cooked and served gave an amazing ‘cookery book’ scenario. It became more interesting as the dialogue progressed and the audience rushed ahead with their conclusions before the two performers actually finished their revelations (and yes it was one man to two ladies!) A very slick performance and much enjoyed by those watching.
Last Panto in Little Grimley, a sequel to Last Tango in Little Grimley, and most amusing especially to members of amateur drama groups, really too close to call! And with reality imitating the script, a substitution in the cast necessary with the Director being pressed into action.
Time for the annual pantomime and dominating the committee meeting, forthright and strong, Alan Carpenter as Gordon forced through his own script as the choice in spite of other views. Poor Joyce, Amanda Oelrichs, was bullied into playing the cat although she really wanted to do ‘Sound of Music’, and certainly Gordon was not the most tactful of directors. As Margaret, Georgette Vale was ready to play her usual role as principal boy, Dick and rose to the part. And poor Bernard disappeared behind the fallen set and we felt for Chris Baines as he struggled with set and lights. Some moments quite hysterical like the ‘diary dates’ trying to find when to rehearse amongst all previous engagements, we have all experienced this at meetings. In spite of the many problems in this ill matched group, it gets to first night and then problem about three minutes to curtain, a broken leg to principal boy but she will go on in plaster. Not so in this community hall, cast member broke leg and hence the appearance of director at less than a week’s notice! An entertaining presentation with many laughs throughout and much enjoyed by all.
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