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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Author: Hazel Hole


17th February 2018
Bocking Theatre Club
Bocking Village Hall
Type of Production
Margaret Surrey
Musical Director
Sam Conway & Alex Lawrence
Sam Conway

I was warmly welcomed by Pru Page, Production Secretary who gave me some background to the group. The script was up to date and topical and gave plenty of opportunity for the principal characters to interpret their own role and play to their individual strengths. There were plenty of jokes and silly, slapstick comedy.

The panto opened with a lively scene set in the City of Baghdad with a very colourful set, designed by stage manager Terry Surrey. In fact, all the sets were bright and well devised and fitted well onto a fairly small stage which obviously had some limitations..

Scheherazade, played by Joanna Heath, was a very able story teller/ narrator, bringing an excellent touch of humour and expression to the part.

Cassim, played by Gareth Jordan-Burrows, was a very strong role and Gareth excelled ! He had unlimited energy, enthusiasm, amazing facial expressions, a strong singing voice and interacted well with the other characters .He was thoroughly hen pecked by his wife, Sharon, played by Tamar Cumberbatch and the pair bonded with each other very well.

The lovers, Ali Baba (Mystie Powell) and slave girl Safiya (Charlotte Hooks), supported by Huma (Autumn Jenner) were acted with great emotion and feeling. Mum Baba, the dame, (John Ellson) was suitably outrageous and just ‘over the top’ and created much humour, along with her friends, Loonah,(Jan Peaston), Moonah (Steph Felton) and Noonah ( Jacky Clarke).

Kamil, played by Milly Aldridge,(front) and Ruby Jordan-Burrows(back) was a great and humorous character and the girls had some great dance steps very ably performed. Well done !

Of course, there was a ‘baddie’, this time Sheikh Mustafa Leikh (John Page) who was suitably evil and nasty. He was aided and challenged by his henchmen, Yassah(John Hughes) and Noosah(Alexandra Lee). These two were the silly sidekicks and their antics had the audience laughing and participating.

After Cassim had been cut into pieces by Sheikh Leikh and his henchmen, Fab Rick(Jack Gunn) had the job of stitching Cassim back together and what a realistic job he made of this!

The chorus had quite a lot to do, both as citizens of Baghdad and as the somewhat dwindling band of the Sheikh’s thieves.

This production moved along at a cracking pace with plenty of comic interaction with the audience. There was some great singing and the music on keyboard and drums was ably directed. Costumes were colourful and quite beautiful, thanks to Jean Baker, Carol Felton,

Margaret Surrey and Sian Notley. Lighting and sound were both effective and appropriate for both this production and the stage size and accoustics.

The programme, designed by Sam and Hugh Conway included puzzles and pictures for colouring and would be particularly attractive to young audiences,

Congratulations to all involved for a most enjoyable and original take on Ali Baba and many thanks for your hospitality.

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