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Author: Philip Smith


17th January 2025
The Dronfield Musical Theatre Group
Dronfield Civic Hall
Type of Production
Andrea Powell
Musical Director
Judith Haywood
Andrea Powell
Written By
Wing and a Prayer Priductions

Dronfield MTG continue to attract new members and maintain their 50 plus years of performing to the supportive Dronfield audiences. The annual pantomime is very much a local diary date in the area with a multitude of familiesinvolved not only on stage but also making props, costumes, assisting and supporting the wealth of young talent available . Creating and building set pieces along with set dressing. The programme tells the full story with a number of repeat family names. 

The wealth of experience and knowledge from Andrea Powell as director and choreographer supported by Judith Haywood as musical director form a formidable team. Each year I am privileged to be invited and look forward, with eagerness, tothe antics, direction and production that will be served up . The staging and direction continues to entertain with so many clever ensemble pieces, great principal work and an all smiling junior section whom never fail to be engrossed in every scene they are in. Aladdin the Pantomime needs no explanation but I really enjoyed the many production twists and turns. The opening sea of black costumed junior ensemble along with Abanazar, then breaking out with Michael Jackson’s  Killer set the scene brilliantly for what followed .With cast of nearly 50 with an age range of greater, what does a production team do to utilize so much talent. Simple !!! we will have 9 PCs instead of the traditional two. We will create living animals, a pet Panda and a camel. We will make the smallest and maybe youngest ensemble member the only one capable of leading the Camel, when all larger and stronger couldn’t. 

Abanazar by Tommy Jones as the tradition stage left baddy of the piece always winding up the audience with his devilment,a powerful performance throughout in total contrast to the stage right Slave of the Ring by Fiona Adlington showing kindness and compassion with excellent clarity throughout. The multitude of police added such fun to the many scenes they were in. Wishy Washy by Rachel Cooper Basset ,the silly one and Aladdin by Ellie Ashmore , the hero both performed well , some great sketches that they performed in with all the usual well known story lines. I was thrilled to be in a full house with a large encore of Brownies , and experienced a very special moment when Aladdin and Cherry Blossom by Lily Ward started the Love Story duet by Taylor Swift suddenly and without encouragement were joined by nearly everyone in the audience. The romance between the Princess and Aladdin built nicely through the pantomime with inevitable outcome.  The High Vizier by Ian Brady, The Emperor by Richard Gilson along with The Empress by Sarah Betts all gave well balanced performances. Rose Petal by Millie Crowther and Clover Leaf by Scarlett Prest worked well with Cherry Blossom , some lovely cameo pieces. Once the lamp is found and rubbed we meet The Genie of the Lamp played by Edward Hodd, another well performed role with memorable changes of reaction when working with Abanazarin contrast to scenes with Aladdin. Dronfield are blessed to have so many loyal performers who bring a wealth of experience which I’m sure many of the younger performers learn lots from. No pantomime is complete without a man in a dress or 20 other costumes !!! In Widow Twankey by Gavin Ward you have just that. Not only with excellent timing bringing the best out of the script but also be prepared for a very physical visual performance. The changes and antics brought claps and cheers throughout. All the expected scenes in the laundry, in the Egyptian scene, the tea towel number, the sing song , and the brilliant opening of Act Two of ‘ If I were not in Pantomime this I would rather be. Hilarious . Performed by most of the principals to the highest order. The visual effect lighting and sound were well done and the amusing projected magic Carpet was great along with a clever UV scene. Compliments to Cara Chester, Matthew Welsby, John Pashley, and Oliver Thompson.

I never underestimate the enormity of any performance but when you have so many in a comparatively small stage area everyone has to be precise with their movement which they were.  Along with an army of unseen helpers, dressers, chaperones and back stage team. Without all these people there is no show at all, so well done to all the unseen and unsung heroes. The mini orchestra mixed with backing tracks and sound effects were all well-orchestrated. 

I made the comment at the end how much I thoroughly enjoyed your true and proper genuine family pantomime and I did.

Well done to all the wonderful, not previously mentioned ensemble, what a joy to see so many learning from the many experienced senior performers. 

Thank you for the invite and excellent front of house welcome.Wishing you all success and buckets of fun with your remaining shows.


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