A Night at the Movies
- Date
- 13th May 2016
- Society
- Hexham Amateur Stage Society
- Venue
- The Queen’s Hall, Hexham
- Type of Production
- Concert
- Director
- Aline Watson
- Musical Director
- Warren Smith
I always enjoy a visit to Hexham ASS and this was no exception. I usually end my Reports by saying how much I enjoyed hearing the Chorus sing together in the finale. That was turned on its head with this concert because the first ten minutes of the show featured the Chorus, in great voice - as, of course, did the finale! If I had been asked to assemble a show featuring film music, I would very likely have included many of the numbers featured in this concert. These included music from Disney’s Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King and much else. I felt, however, that during the first half, sometimes when the soloists stepped forward from the Chorus they seemed a little timorous by comparison. That is not a criticism, simply a comment. I can only imagine how nerve wracking that might be, without the cover of a character to hide behind. I enjoyed all the Chorus and solo numbers throughout.
I make no secret of the fact that I am a Country music fan and, unintentionally, I’m sure, Hexham gave me a little touch of Country. The Wind Beneath My Wings (from Beaches) was originally, before Bette Midler, a Country hit for Gary Morris; and Conway Twitty (yes, that Conway Twitty) took Miss Midler’s The Rose to the top of the Country charts. But I digress.
By the opening of the second half, all the soloists seemed to have shaken off any nerves there may have been in the first half. I particularly enjoyed Albert Simpson’ and Beryl Amos’ duet which had the audience firmly onside. But it is invidious to pick out any particular performers. Elva Mason, who was also Associate Director, took a solo, as did Mike Routledge, Fiona Watson, Liam Olsen, the aforementioned Beryl Amos, Gary Nairn, Amanda Yates; there was a very moving trio from Gillian Hall, Judith Elliott, and Jannette Griffin and a further duet from Gillian Hall and Gareth Nairn before the Chorus came back in to round the show off in fine style. A small combo of just four musicians, Conductor/pianist, drums and bass, kept proceedings moving along at a brisk pace and complemented the performers perfectly. Staging was minimal but gave the distinct impression of a movie awards ceremony and costumes were bright and colourful, more unifom than costume, but nonetheless adding to the uplifting nature of the proceedings. A thoroughly enjoyable evening
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